Bank of Italy bans second credit-card issuer
Move seen by Italian media as indicative of politicisation of money laundering and usury laws
NY Fed’s Sack warns of excessive reforms
New York Fed’s Brian Sack discusses lessons from the crisis but cautions reforms may be superfluous
Basel principles don’t guarantee stability: IMF paper
Complying with the Basel principles on supervision does not enhance the soundness of banks, Fund economists find
Basel issues draft code on supervisory colleges
Principles seek to promote information exchange and incorporate latest regulatory trends
“Radical reforms” must be considered: UK lawmakers
Head of influential group of parliamentarians says British government wrong to rule out root-and-branch reform; favours contingent capital and subsidiaries to lessen risk of systemic collapse
Bank of Spain denies Spanish banks are delaying losses by acquiring NPAs
The Bank of Spain defends Spanish banks' hands-on risk management of non-performing assets related to the property sector
Fed: credit availability increases among consumers
Federal Reserve director discusses developments in credit scoring study with Congress
Central banks should oversee systemic risk poll shows majority of respondents think central banks together with government bodies should be responsible for monitoring systemic risk
Greenspan slams systemic risk watchers
Former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan says systemic risk oversight bodies will not catch anything regulators have already missed, calls for contingent capital instead
Zim’s Gono blasts local takeover bill
Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe governor Gideon Gono slams new law that will force foreign-owned firms to transfer 51% of ownership to locals
Fed must keep regulatory oversight: Bernanke
Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke, criticises plans to strip the Fed of its regulatory powers
Fed chiefs unite in bid to keep wider bank supervision
Current Fed chairman Ben Bernanke and former head Paul Volcker say taking all but the biggest banks away from the central bank would be a mistake
Bank mulls widening collateral pool
Bank of England consults on taking “raw loans” at its discount window facility and calls for more transparency from counterparties, says the move will cement confidence in the financial system
US regulators issue liquidity guidelines
Federal Reserve and other regulators sign off framework for more stringent liquidity management
Washington makes play to name NY Fed chief
Senate banking committee’s reform bill calls for greater accountability in Liberty Street, pares Fed’s supervisory role to large banks alone
Fair value in foul weather
Andrew Haldane draws on Macbeth to explain how financial instruments might be valued in future
Senators table Volcker rule legislation
Bill would ban prop trading for large banks and impose limits for big non-banks
Buba’s Weber dismisses Volcker rule
Bundesbank president Axel Weber says Paul Volcker’s plan will have unanticipated effects and interfere with monetary policy transmission, says sticking with Basel II is best
Harsher stress tests described in new FSA risk outlook
New stress scenarios to test banks' resilience to double dip recession
FDIC’s Bair on US housing recovery
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s Sheila Bair cautiously optimistic
US flip flops on cutting Fed’s oversight role
Senate committee is set to take all but the 23 biggest banks out of Fed’s regulatory ambit, diluted proposal will see Fed hang on to more of its responsibilities than reform bill initially said
Gudmundsson confident of Icesave deal despite country’s ‘no’ vote
Icelandic central bank governor Már Gudmundsson says a resolution will be reached with British and Dutch governments soon despite massive wave of public opposition to the plan
Longworth praises Canada’s astute liquidity management
Bank of Canada deputy governor David Longworth says central bank has been thoughtful and measured, assuring markets that support is available but ensuring that it is only used in dire circumstances
We won’t ban prop trading: British Lord
British business secretary Peter Mandelson says Volcker rule is “too difficult” even as Washington works to turn it into law