Systemic risk more than size and default probability
Bank of Canada looks at measuring aggregate risk in the financial system
HKMA’s Chan: Asian Crisis lessons were forgotten
Hong Kong Monetary Authority’s Norman Chan on drawing lessons from financial crisis
ECB’s Bini Smaghi demands capital uptake
European Central Bank’s Lorenzo Bini Smaghi “insists” banks use profits to raise capital rather than wages; line echoes position of the Bank of England
FSA’s Turner wants new macroprudential body
The UK’s top regulator Adair Turner says a body other than the Bank of England is needed to implement macroprudential supervision
Obama’s proposals – the only game in town
President Obama’s radical proposals recognise that the financial lobby can no longer hold society to hostage. They should be welcomed as a result, Robert Pringle, the chairman of Central Banking Publications, writes.
Schapiro seeks tighter reins on hedge-funds
US Securities and Exchange Commission’s Mary Schapiro eyes more stringent controls for hedge funds and credit rating agencies
Obama's reforms find few friends
Markets and commentators reject the US president’s proposed reform of banks, which would see a ban imposed on proprietary trading
Transparency will reboot bond markets: González-Páramo
José Manuel González-Páramo, an ECB executive board member says openness is key to improving primary issuance
Mauritius’s Googoolye on macro supervision
Bank of Mauritius’s Yandraduth Googoolye says that the country’s revenue authority will share tax data with the central bank to aid policymaking
Bank’s Tucker on shadow banking
Paul Tucker, a deputy governor at the Bank of England, set out his thoughts on the regulatory agenda for financial markets that replicate the features of core commercial banks
Nigeria imposes limit on bank chiefs’ terms
Nigerian central bank says bank heads will have a maximum of ten years at the top, law to be backdated to 2000
ECB plans regulatory training for EU candidates
ECB says it will partner the European Commission and international organisations to strengthen supervision in countries seeking entry to the EU
How risk management will evolve: RBI’s Thorat
Usha Thorat, a deputy governor of the Indian central bank, says business models and an intuitive approach to risk are key to banks’ success post-crisis
Who should decide on LoLR support?
Central Bank of Uruguay’s Jorge Ponce looks at who should decide on emergency liquidity assistance
Bernanke appeals to keep Fed’s oversight powers
Federal Reserve chairman makes the case for the central bank to retain banking supervision in letter to lawmakers; Volcker supports systemic role
Israel’s Hizkiyahu on financial regulation architecture
Bank of Israel’s Rony Hizkiyahu says move from sectorial to functional regulation key
Reserve Bank of Australia Bulletin (December 2009)
The December installment of the RBA's monthly bulletin contains articles on regulation and domestic economic developments
FSB to probe banks’ progress on pay
Basel-based Financial Stability Board asks financial institutions to report on compensation standards
Basel-offshoot calls for more consistency
Joint Forum publishes recommendations to standardise cross-border regulation in banking, insurance and securities
Senator who proposed Fed overhaul to retire
Senate Banking Committee chairman Chris Dodd, who produced a sweeping bill that seeks to limit Fed power, announces that he will not seek re-election
Leverage constraints: the Canadian experience
Bank of Canada paper shows that domestic banks fared better in the lead up to the crisis for having leverage ceilings; highlights some practical concerns
Iceland’s president vetoes $5.5 billion repayment
Decision underlines uncertainty caused by cross-border banking collapse; sparks rating-agency downgrade
Nigeria dismisses sacking allegations
Central Bank of Nigeria says claims it told banks to sack staff unfounded
Bernanke: low rates didn’t spur housing bubble
Federal Reserve’s Ben Bernanke says direct linkages between low federal funds rate and rise in house prices weak; fix regulation not monetary policy