Inter-bank working groups

Facilitating connections between global central bankers to promote the exchange of expertise and collaboration

The inter-bank working groups convene 6-8 times annually. Each session focuses on pressing issues faced by central banks, providing a platform to discuss challenges, explore the latest innovations, and share current projects, while building valuable connections with colleagues from across the globe.


YearBenchmarkTopicDetailsProvisional dateLocation
2025EconomicsUpgrading forecast modelsTackling errors, adding financial sector, heterogeneity etcApril 24Virtual
2025CurrencyAccess to cashChallenges in maintaining cash infrastructure, CIT firms role, utility modelMay 15Virtual
2025PaymentsCross-border paymentsInstant payment links, RTGS and regulatory alignment, tokenisation, stablecoinsJune 12London - In-person
2025CommsSocial mediaTop channels, promoting engagement, financial education, trust and credibilityJuly 30Virtual
2025Strategic planningPlanning for uncertaintyDeveloping a strategic plan, current strategic priorities, handling uncertainty and riskSeptember 17Virtual
2025Monetary policyBalance sheetsNew balance sheet tools, composition, size, risk managementOctober 15Virtual
2025Financial stabilityMacro-prudential toolsIdeal policy mix, new tools, legal aspects and mandatesNovember 20Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - In-person

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