National Bank of Ukraine (NBU)
New Russian banknote provokes anger in Ukraine
Ukrainian central bank prohibits institutions from handling new note, which depicts scenes from Crimea region; design was chosen by the public in 2016
Food prices are boosting inflation, Ukrainian central bank says
Pressures are expected to moderate in second half of 2017, says NBU
Ukrainian central bank bars PwC from further audits
NBU says firm verified “misrepresented information”, but PwC denies charge
Ukrainian central bank calls for $1.5 billion more capital for PrivatBank
National Bank of Ukraine says forensic auditor will report in September
Ukraine’s Gontareva on one of the toughest jobs in central banking
The outgoing National Bank of Ukraine governor speaks about transforming the central bank while engaging in wartime deficit funding and overhauling the banking sector
Ukrainian deputy to serve as interim governor
Ukraine’s president has yet to nominate replacement for Gontareva
Outgoing Ukrainian governor is confident president will choose right candidate
Valeria Gontareva tells Central Banking she faced “evil slander campaign”
Ukrainian inflation set to follow ‘erratic downward path’, NBU says
Central bank predicts inflation will only reach single digits in last quarter
Ukraine’s Gontareva to step down
NBU governor says her mission is complete, resigning three years into a seven-year term amid intense pressure
IMF praises Ukrainian central bank while disbursing $1 billion
IMF deputy managing director calls for continued support for central bank’s reforms
Ukrainian central bank says rail blockade will cut growth
Improved export prices should offset embargo’s effects, NBU says
Ukraine central bank proposes sanctions on Russian-owned banks
The move follows nationalist demonstrations against the central bank’s governor, Valeria Gontareva
Ukraine central bank: governor is not considering resigning
Local reports say Valeria Gontareva wishes to step down; NBU gives first custodian contract to commercial bank
Ukrainian central bank crackdown on capital flows to Russia
Governor says coal blockade may force central bank to take emergency measures including re-imposing exchange controls
Ukrainian central bank protests over senior official's arrest
Move comes amid political attacks on NBU governor Gontareva
Ukraine governor says bank has met first inflation target
Gontareva says Ukraine should hit tighter target for 2017
Ukraine acts to cover ‘major shortfall’ in nationalised bank
NBU also tightens bond auction anonymity and announces restriction on use of cash to settle payments
Ukraine nationalises country’s largest bank
Gontareva says PrivatBank failed repeatedly to take necessary action, and so will be transferred into public ownership; central bank creates emergency liquidity facility
IMF delay forces National Bank of Ukraine to keep forex controls
Central bank to leave foreign exchange controls in place until political instability subsides and reforms are under way; IMF acknowledges progress, but says more is needed before the third review
Ukraine’s central bank calls for action against illegal forex dealers
NBU says authorities failed to act against 32 illegal operations in Kyiv; says it will publicise further information on unauthorised forex dealers
Ukrainian central bank proposes abolition of forex restrictions
The central bank’s multi-stage plan includes a draft law, despite political disputes
Western ambassadors support independence of Ukrainian central bank as dispute continues
Diplomats line up behind Gontareva as the president’s attitude remains unclear
People: Ukraine promotes Smolii to first deputy governor and appoints two new deputies
Banking supervision chief and human resources head join central bank’s board
Ukrainian central bank council holds first meeting
New body has extensive powers over monetary policy and governance; NBU cuts rates for the fifth consecutive time this year