An anxious countdown to new euro cash
BELGIUM - BELGIUM - In two weeks, thousands of armoured trucks will fan out across Europe to start supplying banks with crisp bills and shiny coins denominated in euros, the single continental currency that will replace the German mark, the French franc…
Macroeconomic risks of euro currency changeover
RESEARCH - A recent report, EMU Watch, from the Deutsche Bank looks at macroeconomic risks related to the final steps of the euro changeover 2001/02. The report looks at two main risks, macroeconomic demand and price risks, the other of dangers related…
Taiwan c bank may up euro weight in forex reserves
TAIWAN - Taiwan's central bank may raise the weighting of the euro in its foreign exchange reserves in the wake of possible strengthening in the euro and higher interest rates, Commercial Times reports.
Euro breaks 90 cents barrier
EUROPE - The euro broke through the 90 cent level today, 15 August, and hit a five-month high against the pound for the third consecutive day as the single currency benefited from losses by the US dollar.
Hole-in-the-wall headache behind euro big day
ARTICLE - With the deadline for the introduction into circulation of euro notes less than five months away, Europe is facing its greatest logistical challenge since the D-Day landings.
Euro's launch vital to debate in Sweden
SWEDEN - Goran Persson, Sweden's Social Democratic prime minister, believes the Scandinavian country could be a member of the single currency by 2005 if next January's introduction of euro notes and coins is a success.
EU candidates must join ERM on way to euro-Noyer
GERMANY - European Central Bank Vice President Christian Noyer said on 13 August countries seeking to join the single European currency must first keep their currencies loosely aligned with the euro for two years.
Euro notes designer will escape launch controversy
AUSTRIA - When the euro enters circulation in January, the man responsible for the look of a the new notes is planning to take his family on a long holiday - outside Europe.
E-day countdown - ECB ad campaign to roll 1 Sept
GERMANY - European Central Bank chiefs begin their annual break this week knowing that when they return from their holidays the push to make the euro a reality in the lives of millions of Europeans must begin in earnest.
Austrians 'underestimate' euro
AUSTRIA - According to a survey published on 3 August, the euro is not an issue for most Austrians. A majority of 62 per cent have not or almost not informed themselves on the new currency, only 13 per cent consider themselves as "very interested" in the…
The euro changeover in the Irish context
SPEECH - Statement by Mr Maurice O'Connell, Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland, to the Irish Parliamentary Joint Committee on Finance and the Public Service, in Dublin on 18 July.
Hungary aims to introduce euro in 2006
HUNGARY - The government expects that Hungary will introduce the euro as its currency as of 1 January 2006, Zsigmond Jarai, head of the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) said at a business conference on 26 July.
One-off costs of euro conversion estimated
ARTICLE - Research published today by Bannock Consulting shows that the total cost to UK business of converting to the euro are in the region of £10.3bn. Adding in the British Bankers Association estimate of £1 bn for the banking sector and Bannock…
Blair and Brown set euro vote timetable
UK - Tony Blair and Gordon Brown have drawn up a timetable for a euro referendum and are preparing to make a judgment, probably next year, about whether to call one, reports the Financial Times in London, 27 June.
Five months to E-day and euro use still limited
EUROPE - Five months before the introduction of euro notes and coins, the use of the single currency remains limited in almost every country in the 12-nation eurozone, the European Commission warned yesterday, 27 July.
ECB estimates new reserve target at 127 bn euros
GERMANY - The European Central Bank said on 27 June its estimated reserve requirement for the current maintenance period was 127.0 billion euros.
Hungary publishes euro recommendations for banks
HUNGARY - The National Bank of Hungary (MNB) has published recommendations to commercial banks regarding the introduction of euro coins and notes in 12 EU member states as of 1 January 2002.
Impact of euro cash set to be 'low'
GERMANY - Deutsche Bank, Germany's biggest bank, has warned against overestimating the potential disruption generated by the change to euro cash at the start of next year. The bank said it was more likely to be a "big bang" with "little impact" on…
Survey on the Introduction of the Euro
RESEARCH - The National Bank of Belgium is conducting a new survey among enterprises concerning the introduction of the euro. The object of this survey is to assess their degree of preparedness for the changeover to the single currency and to evaluate…
CB to work out ideas for commercial banks on euro
HUNGARY - The National Bank of Hungary (MNB) is preparing recommendations to commercial banks regarding the introduction of euro coins and notes in 12 EU member states as of 1 January 2002, MNB spokesperson Gabor Missura said.
BIS Working Paper on euro and financial markets
RESEARCH - The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) has published a working paper on the impact of the euro on Europe's financial markets. The paper is written by Gabriele Galati and Kostas Tsatsaronis, July 2001.
The Information Campaign - Euro 2002
SPEECH - Wim Duisenberg, President of the European Central Bank gave a speech titled 'The Information Campaign - Euro 2002' in Paris on 10 July. The speech is in French.
French to ease cash deposit laws
FRANCE - The French parliament looks set to adopt a law that eases the responsibility of banks for reporting large cash deposits during the introduction of euro notes and coins.
Sweden needs stabilising tool for euro entry-union
SWEDEN - Swedish membership of the euro is not desirable unless there is a tool to stabilise the economy which would compensate for the loss of national monetary policy, the country's biggest trade union group said on 10 July.