
UK General Election - Labour pledges

UK - The UK Labour party published its election manifesto on 15 May. They review their changes made to the Bank of England and describe their policy on the single european currency, the euro.

Readiness for euro may be falling

EUROPE - Fewer European companies say they are ready for the introduction of euro notes and coins now than a year ago, according to a survey of big businesses in the euro-zone.

Putting euro banknotes and coins into circulation

Speech - Eugenio Domingo Solans, Member of the Governing Council and the Executive Board of the European Central Bank delivered a speech at the Euro 2002 Information Campaign conference hosted by the Banco de Portugal on 15 May.

Supereconomies face clashes

EUROPE - Central bank politics is assuming an intriguing role in attempted reversal of the slowdown of the US economy and spreading effects on other parts of the world.

Monitoring the European Central Bank 3

BOOK - The Centre for Economic and Policy Research has published the third in its series of books monitoring the European Central Bank titled "Defining a Macroeconomic Framework for the Euro Area". It is co-authored by Alberto Alesina, Olivier Blanchard,…

Euro-area banking at the crossroads-IMF paper

RESEARCH - This IMF working paper by the European I department looks at the institutional arrangements for euro-area banking supervision. The authors endorse stronger cross-border coordination among supervisory authorities but notes that more formal…

Limited boost to euro from Lithuania litas repeg

LITHUANIA - The euro will only get psychological boost from Lithuania's move towards pegging its litas to the euro as the accompanying shift in foreign exchange reserves is not seen generating much demand for euros.

SNB's Bruno Gehrig speech on the euro

SPEECH - Bruno Gehrig, vice-chairman of the Swiss National Bank, gave a speech on Mar 27, 2001 in front of the Swiss Chamber of Industry and Commerce of the Southern Upper-Rhine Region about the euro two years on and its impact on the Swiss economy and…

Euro & Talous - Bank of Finland quarterly

RESEARCH PAPER - It would be wrong to think that the positive developments in central government finances in Finland in 2000 have opened the way for a permanent increase in government spending, since the growth of tax revenue is likely to slow…

Fabius cool to idea of ECB counterweight - paper

French Finance Minister Laurent Fabius has distanced himself from suggestions there should be an "economic government" for the euro zone to form a counterweight to the European Central Bank, according to a newspaper interview published on Mar 2, 2001.

Case for Eurozone monetary indicators? - Svensson

In a Bank for International Settlements working paper "Money and inflation in the Euro Area: A case for monetary indicators?" Stefan Gerlach and Lars E O Svensson find that the "real money gap" (the gap between current real balances and long-run…

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