Federal Reserve System
Small firms also make it in exports
Philadelphia Federal Reserve says exporters not necessarily larger than non-exporting firms
Fed action spurs market recovery
Federal Open Market Committee statement boosts wave of positive sentiment
Swap lines had crucial impact: Aizenman
Joshua Aizenman, an economist, on the importance of emerging-market foreign-exchange swap lines during the crisis
New York Federal Reserve – Annual Report 2008
New York Federal Reserve’s Annual Report shows its balance sheet tripled in the past year
Fed enhancing large institutions’ oversight: Tarullo
Federal Reserve’s Daniel Tarullo says supervision of large institutions to get a new boost
More than a fifth of jobs not advertised
Philadelphia Federal Reserve studies vacancies, hires, and vacancy yields in the US job market
High excess reserves levels not a Fed policy feedback
New York Federal Reserve says level of excess reserves say nothing about Fed’s policies’ impact
Fed rate setters impact US Treasury market
New York Federal Reserve assesses the microstructure if the US Treasury securities market
Beige Book points to economic stabilisation
Federal Reserve’s Beige Book suggests decline in economic activity is ceasing
Book says Fed “challenged essence of democracy”
Pulitzer Prizewinner says Bernanke had more authority to fix subprime mess than any other individual
NY Fed’s Dudley says too premature to set exit date
New York Federal Reserve’s Bill Dudley says risks tilted toward weak growth and not high inflation
Fed bottom in government popularity poll
Gallup survey shows more than a fifth of Americans think that the Federal Reserve is doing a poor job as Bernanke steps up public relations efforts
Fed to take early snapshot of consumer conditions
Federal Reserve launches investigation into how households are faring with de-leveraging
Fed a natural for systemic-risk role: Tarullo
Federal Reserve’s Daniel Tarullo says safeguarding systemic risk is a natural expansion of the central bank’s role
US regulators stake their claim
Barack Obama’s plans give too much to the Federal Reserve say Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) chiefs
Richmond Fed hires new general counsel
Richmond Federal Reserve names Michelle Gluck as new chief legal officer
The real exit problem at the Federal Reserve (and ECB and BoE)
Central bankers must abandon their focus on targeting inflation in the medium term if we are to really consign the crisis to history
Bernanke details Fed exit strategy
Reserve balances key, but Fed chairman fears political interest in fund recipients
Bagehot 's tenets needs to be revised
New York Federal Reserve investigates whether Bagehot’s 19th lender-of-last-resort doctrine still applies
Nobel Laureates, GS head sign Fed independence petition
Petition signatories now include three Nobel Laureates, Lloyd Blankfein and Laurence Meyer
Ex-SEC heads look to limit Fed’s powers
An investor group chaired by two former SEC chairmen says Fed should not be granted responsibility for systemic risk
Central counterparties for CDS compared
Ad hoc industry group comprising both buy-side and sell-side publishes report on credit-default-swap central counterparties
Economists petition lawmakers for Fed independence
Former Federal Reserve governor Frederic Mishkin among the signatories of online petition to keep monetary policy independent
Lender recourse increases the likelihood of default
Richmond Federal Reserve shows the impact of lender recourse on mortgage defaults