Federal Reserve System

BIS data show derivatives market contracting

The rapid growth of the derivatives market reversed in the wake of the collapse of now-defunct investment bank Lehman Brothers - an event which revealed the fragility of the industry - data from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) out Tuesday…

US payments systems still evolving

Research by the Kansas City Federal Reserve looks back at some early payments systems and examines their status today and where they may be heading.

Fed's Maiden Lane down $10 billion

More than 14% was wiped off the value of the assets held on the Federal Reserve's books as collateral for its bailouts of Bear Stearns, a now defunct investment bank, and American International Group (AIG), a beleaguered insurer, in the three months to…

FDIC recruits former Fed counsel

Michael Bradfield, a former head of the Federal Reserve's legal team, has been named general counsel of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

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