Reserve managers ‘unprepared’ for home trading
Covid-19 presented reserve managers with unprecedented business continuity challenges at a time of acute market and economic distress
Fears rise over breakdown in Basel and IFRS standards
Bretton Woods institutions worried about growing divergence in capital and accounting standards as credit impairment tsunami looms; US and many emerging economies skirting the rules
Central bankers tread carefully in move to ESG investing
Central banks must be cautious as reserves portfolios perform many roles, panellists say
Doyne Farmer’s next big adventure: capturing the universe
Complexity theorist plans to build an economic super-simulator on a global scale
BoE’s Hauser: Covid-19 forced “largest and fastest” actions ever
Executive director gives blow-by-blow account of how the BoE tackled the Covid-19 crisis in the markets
BoE urges banks to ramp up no-deal Brexit preparations
Brexit risks are resurfacing as trade talks remain deadlocked
Stress levels rising: investment funds and the Covid-19 shock
Extreme market stresses due to Covid-19 are underscoring the central role non-banks play in crisis contagion, as in 2008. Were regulators better prepared this time?
MAS launches framework to promote responsible AI
MAS to work with banks to fight potential biases introduced by AI tools
Minutes highlight scale of BoE’s Covid-19 redeployment
Some staff were overwhelmed with work while others had little to do
Riksbank launches new financial vulnerability metric
“Systemic risk indicator” is designed to track overall financial stability across market segments
Bank Indonesia criticised after direct purchase of government debt
World Bank economist warns primary market purchases could undermine confidence
ECB’s Enria unsure banks will dip into capital buffers
Anxiety over investor and rating agency reaction may limit banks’ use of Covid relief measures
Banxico forecasts Mexican economy could fall by 8.8% in 2020
Central bank stresses the profound uncertainty to which the economy is subject
The complex art of reserve management
The coronavirus lockdown represents another inflection point for central banks seeking to optimise the management of their $12 trillion in FX reserves
The impact of AI adoption on supervisors
MAS’s former data chief says a triad of basic AI training, supervisor data scientist hubs and suptech adoption create strong foundations
Book notes: In the combat zone of finance, by Svein Harald Øygard
A fascinating and readable book for those charged with maintaining financial stability and interested in a new perspective on institutional efficiency
CBRT battles external imbalance with dwindling reserves
Turkish central bank loses battle to keep lira under 7 as reserves shrink, but pressures may be easing
Fed could purchase $750 billion of corporate debt in new facilities
Fed clears staff to purchase investment- and non-investment-grade debt and ETFs
Carbon tax spike could spur global recession – S&P
Higher carbon prices would trigger widespread industry defaults, says agency research unit
Basel Committee ‘stock take’ highlights progress on climate risks
Members are conducting research and issuing guidance, but most are not yet making changes to capital frameworks
Charted: rush for dollar liquidity fades
Figures from central bank dollar repo facilities show waning demand, but outstanding swaps still high
Libra’s Disparte on big tech’s move into digital currency
Libra Association vice-chair Dante Disparte speaks about the decision to abandon a multi-currency reserve, stress-testing a global payment network and how the Facebook-backed body still has 3 billion customers in its sights
Coronavirus latest: Central banks respond to the Covid-19 crisis
Live coverage as central banks respond to the virus outbreak (live feed is now closed)
RBNZ’s Sam Allen on embracing the cloud
Central bank took a calculated risk in moving its financial markets group to a cloud platform