Financial crisis

We're not out of this yet - Greenspan

Despite a "creep back to normality" in the asset-backed commercial paper and inter-bank markets, Alan Greenspan, the former governor of the Federal Reserve, cautioned that the recent turmoil could have further repercussions.

Banks snub Old Lady's three-month money

The Bank of England received no bids for its additional three-month tender on Wednesday but the European Central Bank (ECB) revealed that it had loaned €3.9 billion the same day from its marginal lending facility.

Riksbank's Ingves justifies openness

Stefan Ingves, the governor of the Riksbank, said on Monday that the central bank chose to adopt a transparent monetary policy framework in order to become a more democratic and efficient institution.

BoE bulletin reviews UK reaction to turmoil

The Bank's quarterly bulletin for the third quarter covers developments in sterling financial markets from June to September, which marked the beginning of the current bout of stress in the global financial markets.

Bank of Haiti - Annual Report 2005

Despite social and political turmoil, Haiti's economy grew by 1.8% over the 2004/05 financial year. Private sector investment increased by 5.6% in 2005, after contracting by about 14% the previous year.

Launch the lifeboats? Not likely!

The closest parallel to the rescue of Northern Rock is the secondary banking crisis which erupted at the end of 1973 and which brought down a whole string of so-called "secondary" banks. That financial crisis, like this one, was preceded by a long period…

King refuses to aid markets

Mervyn King, the governor of the Bank of England, said on Wednesday that he believed providing additional liquidity against a wider range of collateral and over longer periods "sows the seeds of a future financial crisis".

Turmoil prompts supervision recommendations

New rules for conduits, special purpose vehicles (SPVs) and rating agencies must be introduced to stop another subprime crisis, according to several shadow financial regulatory committees. The Basel II framework must also be reassessed because of its…

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