Financial crisis
A strong case for regional monetary cooperation
Charles Wyplosz looks at how policy at the regional level can underpin efforts to unwind global imbalances.
Challenging the Washington Consensus
Blaming the other side is not the way for the major economic players to tackle global imbalances, says Richard Portes.
A few thoughts on the global situation
Policymakers around the world must act to restore order to the global economy says Jacques de Larosière.
The difficult choice of an inflation target
Although “headline” measures of inflation are more volatile than “core” measures, central banks are increasingly adopting them as targets. Stall writer Malan Rietveld finds out why.
How to manage the 21st-century central bank
John Mendzela sets out the management practices central banks need to succeed in the future, and how to change successfully.
Central banks should close the governance gap
Central banks seem reluctant to adopt prevailing private-sector “best practice” in governance, but there are benefits in doing so says Jeremy Foster.
Fukui prepares to raise rates
Raising rates in Japan’s unbalanced economy will test Governor Fukui’s skills to the limit, says Andrew Smithers. But he is on the right track so far.
Dates slide for euro hopefuls
Assistant editor Nick Carver surveys the progress – or in some cases the lack of it – of the ten countries that joined the EU in 2004.
Weber reveals his monetary policy stance
Axel Weber set out his thinking on the role of monetary policy and interest rates in three speeches in March. Stephen Frowen and Elias Karakitsos report.
Government debt gears up for change
Paul Brione charts the rise in profile, professionalism and autonomy of government debt offices.
On the record: Lawrence Summers
Lawrence Summers offers his reflections on global account imbalances and reserve accumulation in emerging markets.
IMF paper on banks during the Argentine crisis
According to the IMF Working Paper "Banks during the Argentine crisis: Were they all hurt equally? Did they all behave equally?" published February 2006, the simple answer to both questions in the title is: No.
Tokyo disputes inflation targets
Disputes between the central bank and Ministry of Finance continue to stymie Japanese policymaking. Thomas Cargill and Federico Guerrero explain.
Over a barrel no more
Compared to the shocks of the 1970s, the world economy has taken recent record oil prices in its stride. Sebastian Dullien and Mark Schieritz investigate why.
Performance measurement in central banks
Iain Thomson suggests ways central banks can incorporate best practice in commercial-sector performance measurement.
Should reserve management be farmed out?
Why some do and some don’t outsource reserve management. Nick Carver reports.
The ECB’s collateral framework
Francesco Papadia rebuts criticisms that the way the ECB treats government securities keeps market spreads artificially low.
Managing liquidity risk in a global system
In this exclusive article, Sir Andrew Large worries about the robustness of the financial system in times of stress – and calls for greater clarity from policymakers about lender-of-last-resort issues.
New Crisis Management section on RBNZ's website
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand introduced a new section to its website on Friday entitled Crisis Management.
Why statistics matter
More care should be taken in presenting important statistics, says Steve Hanke, editorial adviser to Central Banking.
Learning to live with IFRS
How central banks are facing up to – or ducking – their obligation to implement international accounting standards
New spokesman for the New York Fed
Peter Bakstansky has been the spokesman for the New York Fed for so long - 30 years, to be precise - that his impending retirement will be hard to get accustomed to, at least for any journalist.
Ex-Thai central bank chief ordered to repay $4.6bn
The former governor of Thailand's central bank, Rerngchai Marakanond, was ordered on Tuesday 2 June to pay back the Bt186bn (US$4.57bn) spent in the futile defence of the currency on the eve of the 1997 Asian financial crisis.