Financial crisis
BOJ's Fukui speech to IMFC on Japan's economy
Toshihiko Fukui, Governor of the Bank of Japan, speaks to the International Monetary and Financial Committee on the Japanese economy (he reiterated that "The BoJ is firmly committed to maintaining its current policy stance until the consumer price index…
Zimbabwe tries to tame cash crisis with new money
The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe intends to introduce "bearer cheques" next week in an attempt to alleviate the desperate shortage of cash in the country, Sapa AFP reports. The cheques were printed on banknote paper, looked like banknotes and were as "good…
Zimbabwe's central bankers urged to go
Things aren't getting any less desperate in Zimbabwe, which is in the thick of a crippling cash crisis, now that parliament is demanding that the central bank management just leave.
Major shake-up looming at Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe
The cash crisis in Zimbabwe is likely to result in a reshuffle in the next few weeks at the country's central bank, according to a report by the Zimbabwe Independent. It is understood the shake-up comes with the full blessing of President Robert Mugabe…
Bank Indonesia and government resolve disagreement
Bank Indonesia has resolved a long-standing dispute with its government, according to Dow Jones. The problem concerned the aftermath of the Asian financial crisis over how to account for the emergency funding. The resolution should see the government's…
Zimbabwe cash crisis deepens
Zimbabwe's opposition leaders have called the country's bank note crisis "an emergency of the highest order" as riot police control bank queues, according to a report by Sapa AFP. Many banks are now limiting cash withdrawals to 5 000 Zimbabwe dollars as…
Nordic central banks conclude MoU memorandum
The Governors of the central banks of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on financial crisis management at their meeting of 11 June in Iceland.
Japanese MOF Press Release, 27 Feb
PRESS RELEASE - Statement of G-7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, 27 February.
ECB reassures Germany over crisis fears
The European Central Bank on Tuesday sought to allay fears of a banking crisis in Germany amid reports that the government and senior bankers had discussed emergency measures to bail out the financial system.
Why price stability is not enough
The current fashion for inflation targetting ignores the perils of asset bubbles, and cannot react adequately to the fallout. A much longer view is needed, contends Stephen King.
Central role for ECCB
Michael Imeson looks at the economic problems facing the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States, and what the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank is doing to help stimulate development.
St Helena’s forgotten currency board
St Helena’s small but perfectly formed currency board provides an example to the rest of the world, argue Steve Hanke and Matt Sekerke.
The benefits of a broader Basel
Ignoring the benefits of a diversified portfolio will penalise developing markets, argue Stephany Griffith-Jones, Stephen Spratt and Miguel Segoviano.
Leadership and management of central banks
“Almost by definition, central banks lack comparative advantage in managing organisational change”, argues John Mendzela. In the second of two articles, he outlines measures of efficiency and performance.
How to reform the stability and growth pact
Willem Buiter proffers his alternatives to the “stupid” arrangement.
Venezuela brings in new foreign exchange controls
Venezuela has introduced a raft of new foreign currency controls under President Hugo Chavez in an attempt to ease the economic turmoil that has enveloped the country.
Japan's Koizumi: Economic reforms need more time
Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi insisted Friday there would be no financial crisis in the world's second-largest economy, promising tax cuts and pleading for time for reforms to work. He also said his Cabinet and the central bank were working…
Soberon - Cuban bank system had a successful 2002
Cuba managed to maintain monetary stability in 2002, despite difficult tests faced by its banking system in 2002 as a result of the world economic crisis and its effects on the island, Francisco Soberon, president of the Central Bank of Cuba, has said.
Crockett - Institutions for stability
SPEECH - In the speech 'Institutions for stability - current and past experience' Andrew Crockett of the BIS said the nature of international financial crises has been changing over time. Nowadays the most troublesome issues occur when a crisis of…
Economic Perspectives, Fourth Quarter 2002
REPORT - The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago has published its regular quarterly journal of in-depth articles reporting on the Bank's economic research for the Fourth Quarter 2002. This edition includes an article 'Sorting out Japan's financial crisis'.
The Bank is losing a house price game
ARTICLE - This article suggests that the Bank of England's interest rate strategy has gone wrong causing a house price bubble and that central bankers avoid discussion on asset price bubbles incase their collapse makes them look stupid.
Bank of Japan to begin share buying plan next week
JAPAN - Japan's shock move to purchase equities in a bid to solve the banks bad loans crisis will begin next week. Last week Japan's FSA brought further concern suggesting that the problem could have been underestimated by as much as Y13,000bn.
Crisis Prevention and Crisis Management
RESEARCH - IMF Working Paper, November 2002 by Udaibir Das and Marc Quintyn, Monetary and Exchange Affairs Department, 'Crisis Prevention and Crisis Management: The Role of Regulatory Governance'. This paper first defines four key components of…
Duisenberg should stop suffocating Europe
ARTICLE - In the autumn of 1998, amid the storm of the Asian crisis, Europe's central bankers referred to Europe as an "island of stability". They were roundly criticised by their US friends who felt that the world economy was enduring its worst…