Transmission mechanisms of monetary policy-Armenia
The IMF Working Paper "Transmission mechanisms of monetary policy in Armenia: Evidence from VAR analysis" examines monetary policy transmission in Armenia in light of the authorities' intention to shift to an inflation-targeting regime over the medium…
Financial integration of new EU Member States
The ECB Working Paper "Financial integration of new EU Member States" assesses the degree of financial integration for a selected number of new EU member states between themselves and with the euro zone.
IMF paper on integration of the securities market
The IMF Working Paper "Integration of the securities market infrastructure in the European Union: Policy and regulatory issues" examines the impact of ongoing cross-border integration of securities market infrastructure in the European Union.
Bond markets as conduits for capital flows
The IMF Working Paper "Bond markets as conduits for capital flows: How does Asia compare?" finds that Europe is more financially integrated than other regions, while Asia already seems to have made more progress on this front than Latin America and other…
Paper on influences of demand for IMF resources
The main objective of the IMF Working Paper "How does the global economic environment influence the demand for IMF resources" is to quantify the relationship between the global economic environment and the number of Stand-By Arrangements (SBAs).
Japan's Next-Generation RTGS
This paper from the Bank of Japan's Payment and Settlement Systems Department provides an overview of the RTGS project and discusses how it is expected to enhance the safety and efficiency of the settlement mechanism for large-value payments in Japan.
IMF paper on a Pacific Island common currency
The IMF Working Paper "Pacific Island countries - Possible common currency arrangement" paper examines the potential advantages and disadvantages of adopting a common currency arrangement among the six IMF member Pacific island countries that have their…
Labour productivity developments in the euro area
This European Central Bank Occasional Paper provides a description and a discussion of some important aspects relating to recent productivity developments in the euro area.
Atlanta Fed paper on cross-border banking
The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Working Paper "Cross-border banking: Challenges for deposit insurance and financial stability in the European Union" examines the implications that alternative regulatory structures may have for resolving failed…
Optimal reserve levels in emerging markets
The International Monetary Fund Working Paper "The optimal level of international reserves for emerging market countries: Formulas and applications" presents a model of the optimal level of international reserves for a small open economy that is…
IMF paper on currency unions
Against the background of the theory of optimum currency areas, the IMF paper "Beauty queens and wallflowers - Currency unions in the Middle East and Central Asia" analyzes possible sequences for establishing a currency union (CU) in the Middle East and…
ECB paper on public sector procurement legislation
The ECB Working Paper "National central banks and Community public sector procurement legislation: a critical overview" finds that an examination of the Public Sector Procurement Directive reveals no substantive grounds on which to argue that NCBs should…
Empirical evidence for central bank autonomy
The International Monetary Fund Working Paper "Measures of central bank autonomy: Empirical evidence for OECD, developing, and emerging market economies" presents an update of the Grilli-Masciandaro-Tabellini (GMT) index of central bank (CB) autonomy,…
The measurement of central bank autonomy
The International Monetary Fund Working Paper "The measurement of central bank autonomy: Survey of models, indicators, and empirical evidence" presents a survey of the literature on the measurement of central bank autonomy.
Canadian inflation targets need debate
Canadians need to debate the Bank of Canada's inflation-targeting program, according to an e-brief released Tuesday 17 October by the C.D. Howe Institute, if they wish to set the stage for future improvements.
RBA 'Demography and financial markets' conference
The Reserve Bank of Australia published papers from its 'Demography and financial markets' 23-25 July 2006 conference on 12 October. The G20 workshop brought together academics, policy advisors, private sector participants and representatives from the…
BIS paper on the euro as a reserve currency
The BIS Working Paper "The euro as a reserve currency: a challenge to the pre-eminence of the US dollar?" investigates whether euro financial markets have developed sufficiently to facilitate the emergence of the euro as a reserve currency on par with…
Political instability and inflation volatility
The purpose of this International Monetary Fund Working Paper is to empirically determine the causes of worldwide diversity of inflation volatility.
IMF paper on West African financial integration
The IMF Working Paper "Financial integration in the West African Economic and Monetary Union" assesses the degree of financial integration in the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU).
Dallas Fed says monetary policy is losing effect
According to a new paper in the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Economic Letter series, monetary policy is losing its bite.
Canada paper: macroeconomic effects of inflation
In the Bank of Canada Working Paper "The macroeconomic effects of non-zero trend inflation" the authors study the macroeconomic effects of non-zero trend inflation in a simple dynamic stochastic general-equilibrium model with sticky prices.
Monetary and prudential policies at a crossroads?
The BIS Working Paper "Monetary and prudential policies at a crossroads? New challenges in the new century" argues that financial liberalisation has resulted in subtle but profound changes in the dynamics of the economy and in the challenges faced by…
ECB paper on international portfolio flows
The European Central Bank Working Paper "The geography of international portfolio flows, international CAPM and the role of monetary policy frameworks," says that global equity markets might be more integrated than global bond markets.
Monetary policy in the media
This European Central Bank Working Paper, published 29 September, analyses the coverage which ECB monetary policy decisions receive in the print media, and the determinants of its extent and of its favourableness.