How do financial markets price new information?
European Central Bank research paper investigates the reception of public signals in financial market
Payments between healthy and unhealthy banks
Bank of England research investigates how settlement banks in CHAPS, the UK's large-value payment system, deal with operational risk
Responding to oil price shocks
San Francisco Federal Reserve research investigates how monetary authorities should react to oil price shocks
How financial markets in Africa develop
International Monetary Fund research makes an empirical examination of the determinants of financial market in Africa, looking particularly at banking systems and stock markets
Productivity in Chinese provinces
Bank of Finland research goes in search of innovation-driven gains in Chinese provinces
Modelling the labour market
Research published by the Bank of England reviews recent approaches to modelling the labour market and their implications for inflation dynamics
SNB takes a historical view
Swiss National Bank examines data from past 102 years in new paper
Recovery from recession analysed
International Monetary Fund research posits speed of recovery from recession can be influenced by stimulus
On the effects of FX settlement on liquidity
Research investigates impact of transactions carried out by large cross-border banks
After Japan’s “Big Bang”
San Francisco Federal Reserve research looks at post-Big Bang bond markets
Reserve Bank of India – Annual Report 2008-2009
Reserve Bank of India’s latest Annual Report says monetary policy should look at asset bubbles and leverage
Early warning models doomed to fail
San Francisco Federal Reserve research is sceptical about the effectiveness of early warning systems in predicting the timing of crises
Asian finance to grow despite turmoil
Hong Kong Monetary Authority says Asia’s financial systems will expand despite the impact of the global crisis
International investors drive Thai exchange rate
Bank for International Settlements says Thai exchange rate is in part determined by international investors' cross-border portfolio rebalancing decisions
Inflation forecasting for a changing world
Norges Bank develops new model suitable for real-time inflation forecasting
Monetary policy needs financial analysis
European Central Bank says globalisation of financial markets over the past 25 years has had major implications for the conduct of monetary policy
Emerging-market shocks have mixed results on US assets
Bank of England looks at international financial transmission between emerging and mature markets
How to set up a sovereign wealth fund: an IMF primer
The International Monetary Fund guides on policy and operational considerations in setting up a sovereign wealth fund
Asset correlation for credit-risk analysis
Latest research dispatch from Tokyo covers credit risk using default data
Shock horror: surprises to blame for crises
Research by Massachusetts Institute of Technology economists finds significant shocks trigger crises
GDP to return to normal by mid-2010: BIS economists
Head of economic and monetary department Stephen Cecchetti and his team say pre-crisis GDP levels to be reached by June
Modellers should care what the weatherman says
Norges Bank says macro modellers should seek inspiration from weather forecasters
Bank of Canada - Summer Review
Bank of Canada publishes the latest issue of its economic review
Social capital aids stakeholder orientation
Norges Bank says banks located in communities with high social capital have a higher probability of survival