
Ulrich Bindseil on the launch of the digital euro

The ECB’s director-general for market infrastructure and payments speaks about the functionality, tiering approaches, privacy policies, ledger technology and ecosystem impact of the eurozone's planned CBDC

Central banking enters a new era

Central banks face a delicate balancing act to preserve their reputations as they evolve into ‘buyers of last resort’ and some of their actions appear functionally equivalent to ‘monetary financing’

Transfer season

Trade frictions with the US have caused a mass industrial transfer to China’s neighbours. Zhou Chengjun, IFF Academic Committee member and inspector of the Macro‑prudential Policy Bureau of the People’s Bank of China, says that shouldn’t stop China…

The long march to global growth

Liang Tao, vice-chairman of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, says that China’s growth is fuelling innovation and modernisation, but financial regulation and governance needs to be tightened up for China to take its place at the top…

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