Federal Reserve System

AIG cutting costs, Bernanke assures senator

Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, has moved to soothe Congressional anger over the bailout of American International Group (AIG), saying that the beleaguered insurer had been forced to adhere to strict cost-cutting measures, according to…

Bernanke moots Fed for systemic-risk role

Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, on Tuesday called for the Fed to be involved in "some capacity" in monitoring system-wide threats to financial markets. His comments came as part of a raft of proposals to overhaul regulation in America…

ICE's CDS clearing plan gets Fed's approval

The Fed has accepted a bid by ICE Trust - an amalgam of an exchange operator, a provider of clearing services and eight banks - to run a central counterparty and clearing house for the global credit-default-swap (CDS) market.

BoE's Tucker: end bickering over CDS clearing

Paul Tucker, the soon-to-be deputy governor responsible for financial stability at the Bank of England, has called on officials to stop feuding over plans to create a central counterparty for credit default swaps (CDS).

NYFed hosts CDS powwow

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York has hosted a meeting of global regulatory authorities for credit-default swap central counterparties as part of a new concerted effort to formalise the trading and processing arrangement for the market.

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