Federal Reserve System

Obama nominee underlines change at the Fed

The nomination of Daniel Tarullo, law professor at Georgetown University and regulation expert, to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve provides early evidence of the way the central bank is being reshaped in the aftermath of the financial…

Fed paper on subprime mortgages

This Federal Reserve working paper models the historical default and prepayment behaviour for subprime mortgages using data on securitised mortgages originated from 2000 to 2007.

GM finance arm gets TARP funding

The finance arm of General Motors, the embattled US automaker, has received financial support under the US Treasury's Troubled Assets Relief Programme (TARP) after gaining approval from the Federal Reserve to become a bank holding company.

San Fran's Yellen on lessons from Japan

"Clear and strong commitments about the future stance of policy" are important when policy rates approach zero and there is fear of deflation, noted Janet Yellen in an Economic Letter reflecting on lessons from Japan's lost decade.

Assets are better kept with SWFs

Countries with a large foreign asset base tend to establish sovereign wealth funds as central banks' portfolio diversification tends is limited, says a new paper from the San Francisco Federal Reserve.

Fed floats bond issuance

The Federal Reserve is considering issuing its own bonds as a means to absorb the liquidity with which it has flooded markets as well as for fundraising purposes.

Fed's Kroszner on restoring confidence in MBS

Comprehensive and standardised loan-level data covering the entire pool of loans backing mortgage-backed securities (MBS) was needed so that the underlying credit quality could be analysed more easily, said Randall Kroszner, the governor of the Federal…

Indian governor on reducing global imbalances

If easy, quick and unconditional international liquidity was provided during a crisis, then emerging economies may not need to insure themselves by foreign reserves accumulation, said Duvvuri Subbarao, the governor of the Reserve Bank of India.

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