
Interview with IMF's Wanda Tseng

Wanda Tseng, deputy director at the IMF's Asia and Pacific department, said on Tuesday 2 May that China's decision to raise interest rates for the first time in 18 months is welcome but the country needs to let its currency move more freely.

IMF's Krueger announces intention to leave

Anne Krueger, First Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, has informed Managing Director Rodrigo de Rato of her intention to leave the Fund at end of her term, which expires on 31 August.

RBA's Macfarlane on monetary policy & the media

In a transcript from a radio report on Friday 28 April, Reserve Bank of Australia governor Ian Macfarlane pondered why the Australian media covered interest rate moves much more than either the US or UK media. He also recounted a 'near-death' experience…

Sao Tome's central bank governor to return

Officials have been quoted as saying that the former prime minister of Sao Tome and Principe, Maria do Carmo Silveira, is to return to her role as governor of the country's central bank, once the new government has taken office.

Interview with Zhang Zhuoyuan

In an interview published on Wednesday 26 April, Zhang Zhuoyuan of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences said China may widen the yuan's trading band when "suitable" to allow more gains and boost investors' role in setting exchange rates.

Interview with Fed's Roger Ferguson

In an interview published on Friday 21 April, Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Roger Ferguson said if there were a sense that the economy was at great risk, he would not want to leave the Fed.

BoJ overpays on travel expenses

The Bank of Japan has paid overstated amounts of domestic travel expenses claimed by some of its personnel and has been told by the Board of Audit of Japan to correct the problem, Jiji Press reported Thursday 20 April.

MEPs criticise ECB appointment

Following the approval of Jurgen Stark's nomination to the ECB's board by the European Parliament's Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee on Wednesday 19 April, some centre-left MEPs have criticised the go-ahead.

Padoa-Schioppa 'serious' candidate for econ min

Romano Prodi, Italy's election winner, said on Friday 21 April that former European Central Bank board member Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa was a "serious" candidate to become his economy minister, but that nothing had been decided yet.

Italy's Prodi may pick Padoa-Schioppa on economy

Italy's centre-left leader Romano Prodi is expected to pick former European Central Bank board member Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa as economy minister, if Prodi succeeds in forming a government, said La Stampa Saturday in an unsourced report.

Turkey names new central bank governor

Turkish President Ahmet Necdet Sezer approved the government's nominee for central bank governor on Tuesday 18 April after rejecting an earlier candidate, Economy minister Ali Babacan announced.

Fed policy makers behind closed doors

This article published on Wednesday 12 April looks at the recently published transcripts of minutes from the FOMC meetings in 2000. Behind the scenes, our central bankers and their advisers let their hair down a bit, it says.

Columbia economist linked to Fed board

The Federal Reserve is reported to be considering appointing former Columbia University economist and ex-Federal Reserve Bank of New York senior staff member Frederic Mishkin as vice chairman of the Fed's board.

Kyrgyz Rep's Sarbanov resigns

Ulan Sarbanov has been relieved of his post of chairman of the Kyrgyz National Bank "as of 30 March in line with his letter of resignation". The president recently signed the relevant decree, according to the Kyrgyz AKIpress news agency website.

Interview with ADB's Kuroda

In an interview published on Sunday 9 April, the President of the Asian Development Bank Haruhiko Kuroda said Asian countries, including China, already have ample foreign exchange reserves and there is no need for them to accumulate more.

Brazil central bank directors resign

Brazil's central bank said in a statement on Thursday 6 April that Alexandre Schwartsman, the head of its international relations department, and Sergio Darcy, chief of its norms department, had asked to step down.

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