
Roger Ferguson resigns from Fed Board

In a surprise move, Roger Ferguson, Jr. submitted his resignationon Wednesday 22 February as Vice Chairman and as a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, effective April 28, 2006.

Balcerowicz concerned over NBP regulations

In an interview for the Gazeta Wyborcza daily, the president of the National Bank of Poland Leszek Balcerowicz, presented the central bank's standpoint on the Pekao-Bank BPH merger and ideas to broaden the responsibility of the NBP.

Bernanke: Greenspan speeches don't violate ethics

Fed chairman Ben Bernanke said his predecessor, Alan Greenspan, has not violated any central bank or federal government ethics rules as a result of his recent series of private speeches since leaving his post on 1 February

Fed nominees emphasise inflation control

The two nominees for the Federal Reserve Board, Randall S. Kroszner and Kevin M. Warsh, said on Tuesday 14 February, in testimony to the Senate Banking Committee that controlling inflation was the key to maintaining economic growth in the United States.

Stark formally nominated for ECB job

Austrian finance minister Karl-Heinz Grasser said EU finance ministers formally nominated Bundesbank vice-president Juergen Stark as Otmar Issing's successor at the European Central Bank.

Fed announces Michelle Smith to stay on

The Federal Reserve Board on Friday announced that Michelle A. Smith will continue in her position as Assistant to the Board and Director of the Office of Board Members. The Board had previously announced that she would be leaving to work for former…

Israeli CB deputies to go

The two deputy governors of the Bank of Israel, Meir Sokoler and Avia Spivak, will retire from the central bank at the end of the month. The governor of the Bank of Israel, Stanley Fischer, informed the Israeli Minister of Finance of the move earlier…

IMF survey

The new IMF survey includes an overview of the recent reshuffling of the Fund's financial sector department. IMF Managing Director, Rodrigo de Rato, announced plans to create a new department on February 1, 2006.

BoE legal eagle set to retire

According to the Guardian's City diary, Malcolm Glover would have retired from the Bank of England at the end of 2004 had it not been for the litigation brought by the BCCI liquidators.

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