Monetary Policy
Richmond's Broaddus says US recovery appears solid
US - Richmond Federal Reserve President Alfred Broaddus on Wednesday expressed confidence that the U.S. economic rebound would prove to be a solid one, but said the Fed needs more information to gauge the recovery's pace.
World growth set for recovery - OECD
FRANCE - The world is set for a strong economic recovery next year, according to a leading international organisation.
Speech by Wim Duisenberg, ECB President, 19 Apr
SPEECH - In the speech titled 'Some remarks on the euro in a US context' Duisenberg said the success of the European Central Bank's monetary policy must be judged over a "sufficiently extended period" of time.
Speech by M Moskow, President, Chicago Fed, 17 Apr
SPEECH - Moskow said in a speech titled 'The Impact of Open Markets and Expanded Trade on Economic Development' that the U.S. economic recovery is underway and the full effects of the reduction in rates over the past 15 months have yet to be felt.
Speech by Mervyn King, Bank of England, 23 Apr
SPEECH - In a speech given Tuesday King said that it was too early to say whether a recovery from last year's global economic slowdown had taken hold. He cast doubt on the strength of the global recovery, saying it was "too soon to say it is entrenched".
Speech by M Moskow, President, Chicago Fed, 22 Apr
SPEECH - In his opening remarks to the Asset Bubbles Conference Moskow said that during the last two decades, there have been instances throughout the developed and developing worlds of prolonged build-ups and sharp collapses in asset prices in stock,…
Speech by Kazuo Ueda of the Bank of Japan, 24 Apr
SPEECH - In a speech titled 'Structural Problems and the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy' Ueda said that Japan was still suffering from mild deflation, and that domestic economic activity remained dormant. "Domestic demand remains weak in contrast to…
Central Bank of Malta - Annual Report 2001
ANNUAL REPORT - The Central Bank of Malta has published its Thirty-fourth Annual Report and Statement of Accounts for 2001.
Bank of Canada Monetary Policy Report, April 2002
REPORT - The Bank of Canada today released its semi-annual Monetary Policy Report, in which it discusses economic and financial trends in the context of Canada's inflation-control strategy, 24 April.
Jarai should remain as chief of Hungary's c bank
HUNGARY - Zsigmond Jarai will remain in his position as head of the National Bank of Hungary (MNB), Peter Medgyessy, the probable next prime minister of Hungary told reporters on Monday.
IMF official-Japan ought to adopt inflation target
JAPAN - The Bank of Japan needs to adopt an inflation target to stop price falls within 12-18 months, an International Monetary Fund official said Tuesday.
Hayami - 'Stupid' to ask me if about to resign
JAPAN - Bank of Japan Governor Masaru Hayami shot down speculation that he might resign before his five year term ends next March.
Poland may be some way off euro entry
POLAND - Poland will not join the European monetary union earlier than in 2007, believes Krzysztof Jakubiszyn, advisor to the chief of the central bank.
Russian Duma confirms new c bank deputy chairmen
RUSSIA - Russia's lower house of parliament confirmed central bank deputy chairmen Oleg Vyugin and Andrei Kozlov, two state finance veterans, to the board of the central bank on Wednesday.
Speech by David Dodge of Bank of Canada, 24 Apr
SPEECH - Opening Statement by David Dodge, Governor of the Bank of Canada on the release of the Monetary Policy Report, 24 April.
Economy minister quits amid crisis in Argentina
ARGENTINA - Argentina's economy minister resigned from office yesterday, throwing the country's economic course into question and the government into fresh disarray.
Speech by Tito Mboweni, RB of South Africa, 24 Apr
SPEECH - At a graduation ceremony speech Mboweni said "At my place of work, the South African Reserve Bank, we operate in a highly internationalised environment. Given our historic past, our recruitment drive has been focused on African, Coloured, Indian…
Speech by Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, 22 Apr
SPEECH - Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said on Monday in a speech titled 'Finance: United States and global' he saw early signs of a recovery in business capital spending but warned that he did not believe the corporate investment rebound would…
European Central Bank - Annual Report 2001
ANNUAL REPORT - The European Central Bank has published its Annual Report for the year ended 2001.
ECB Press Release
PRESS RELEASE - The European Central Bank's Annual Report 2001, 23 April 2002.
ECB Press Release
PRESS RELEASE - New ECB Regulation in the field of minimum reserves, 23 April.
Speech by Christian Noyer of the ECB, 23 Apr
SPEECH - European Central Bank Vice President Christian Noyer repeated Tuesday that an economic recovery is in place for the euro zone this year, although uncertainty remains about the strength of the rebound. He was giving the introductory statement at…
G10 ministers and governors communique
PRESS RELEASE - Communique of the ministers and governors of the Group of Ten, Washington D.C., 22 April.
Bank of England News Release
NEWS RELEASE - New deputy agents appointed at the Bank of England, 22 April.