Monetary Policy
Speech by Tito Mboweni, RB of South Africa, 7 May
SPEECH - In the speech 'Recent Economic Developments' Mboweni said there have recently been encouraging signs that the global slowdown has bottomed out. Business and consumer confidence have strengthened, leading indicators have turned up, industrial…
ECB Press Release
PRESS RELEASE - Annual report of the Anti-Fraud Committee and the reply of the European Central Bank to the report, 3 May.
Speech by H Kohler, Managing Director, IMF, 3 May
SPEECH - International Monetary Fund chief Horst Koehler on Friday ended a tour of Africa with a conference aimed at attracting new investors to Ghana, and said in a speech titled 'Building a Better Future in Africa' that the latest U.S. efforts to…
Bank of Canada Working Paper
RESEARCH - Modelling Financial Instability: A Survey of the Literature by Alexandra Lai, Bank of Canada, May 2002.
Welteke - Pound must fall before euro entry
GERMANY - The president of the Bundesbank, Ernst Welteke, has said he thinks the pound would have to be devalued before Britain could join the single currency.
Bishop says be money wise at central bank service
BARBADOS - Barbadians were urged yesterday to be sensible in the management of their money by the Bishop of Barbados, Dr John Holder. He was delivering a sermon at the Central Bank of Barbados 30th anniversary service at the St Michael's Cathedral.
Bank of England 'would not oppose euro' entry
UK - The governor of the Bank of England, Sir Edward George, has said he would not oppose the UK joining the European single currency if the public voted in favour of adopting the euro, according to a press report.
Argentine inflation soars
ARGENTINA - Argentine prices have risen 20% so far this year following the devaluation of the country's currency the peso, officials have said.
Minutes of Japan's Monetary Policy Meeting
MINUTES - Bank of Japan Monetary Policy Meeting Minutes from the meeting of 19 and 20 March, released 7 May.
CentralBankNet will resume normal service Tuesday
Monday 6 May is a holiday in the UK
CentralBankNet will resume normal service Tuesday
Monday 6 May is a holiday in the UK
Speech by Fed Reserve Governor Ed Gramlich, 2 May
SPEECH - Gramlich reiterated in a speech titled 'Financial literacy' the Fed's position that an increase in consumer financial literacy would be good not just for individuals, but for the economy as a whole.
ECB Press Conference
PRESS CONFERENCE - Transcript of the questions asked and the answers given by Dr. Willem F. Duisenberg, President of the ECB, and Christian Noyer, Vice-President of the ECB, 2 May.
BIS Press Release
PRESS RELEASE - Second FSF regional meeting with Latin American authorities, 30 April.
Speech by Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, 3 May
SPEECH - In a speech made Friday titled 'Stock Options and Related Matters' Greenspan said failure by firms to count option grants to employees as expenses may significantly distort earnings.
US warns Japan over 'boxcar' economy
US - The Japanese economy, the world's second largest, risks becoming a "boxcar" on the global racetrack, US Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill has said.
Current practices distort earnings - Greenspan
US - Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan on Friday said failure by firms to count option grants to employees as expenses may significantly distort earnings.
Financial literacy programs making grade?
US - If financial literacy programs are to succeed, more research is needed on their success rate, Federal Reserve Governor Edward M. Gramlich said Thursday.
Prodi calls for 'one sole political voice' on euro
BELGIUM - European Commission president Romano Prodi said he is "convinced" that there should be moves to ensure one sole political voice speaks on behalf of the euro.
None so deaf - A central banker hit below the belt
FEATURE - When the Prime Minister of New Zealand, Helen Clark, is stuck in an awkward political corner she has taken to using a cheap rhetorical trick. She has borrowed it from Rob Muldoon. Unable to find anything substantive to say, she resorts to…
There are no risk-free returns says RBI's Jalan
INDIA - It's never easy being the governor of a central bank, but for Bimal Jalan, the 61-year-old governor of RBI, the challenges just keep multiplying, reports The Times of India on Friday.
Speech by J.C. Trichet of Banque de France, 23 Apr
SPEECH - Trichet said in a speech titled 'Asset Price Bubbles and their Implications for Monetary Policy and Financial Stability' that asset price developments are a serious cause of concern for central banks since they may impinge upon both price and…
Speech by Robert Parry, San Francisco Fed, 1 May
SPEECH - In the speech titled 'The Role of the Federal Reserve in the Economy' Parry attempts to answer some of the questions he says he often hears people ask, such as What's the Fed's role in the economy?, How does it function? and What can it do for…
ECB Press Release
PRESS RELEASE - Monetary Policy Decisions, 2 May.