Financial Stability
Macedonia's Goshev: stable exchange rate key goal
The National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia will continue its policy of focusing on the stability of the denar, said Petar Goshev, the governor of the central bank.
Spillovers to emerging markets still a reality
The current global financial crisis shows that the notion of possible decoupling of financial markets in developed and emerging economies has been misplaced, a new paper from the International Monetary Fund posits.
St Louis Federal Reserve - Annual Report 2008
The current financial crisis has highlighted that certain activities are best performed by the public sector, said James Bullard, the president of the St Louis Federal Reserve, in the central bank's latest Annual Report.
SARB's Mboweni: flight to quality ironic
Tito Mboweni, the governor of the South African Reserve Bank, said it was ironic that capital was now flowing back to the United States, the source of the current crisis.
Strong policy responses shorten crises
Strong policy responses have a marked impact on the duration of crises, a new study from the International Monetary Fund posits.
Foreclosure policy should focus on unemployed
Foreclosure-reduction policy should focus on helping people who lose their jobs, new research from the Atlanta Federal Reserve suggests.
Unified regulatory architecture needed in the US
An influential group of academics, former government officials and business leaders has called for an overhaul of the rules for supervising United States financial markets and stressed the need for a more integrated regulatory structure.
Kohn defends Fed lending against "fiscal" charges
The Federal Reserve's efforts to halt a financial meltdown with lending programmes targeted at specific markets should not be construed as fiscal aid, Don Kohn, the vice chairman of the central bank, has claimed.
Hoenig moots Fed for bigger payments role
A lack of competition, concerns over integrity and the existence of externalities in the payments sector justify a greater role for the Federal Reserve in the industry, Thomas Hoenig, the president of the Kansas City Fed, has said.
Markets fear US ratings downgrade: Pimco's Gross
The co-head of the world's biggest bond fund has said that that markets are beginning to price in the threat of the United States losing its triple-A rating, which he believes will eventually go.
UK placed on negative watch on debt fears
Britain's much-cherished triple-A rating was under threat on Thursday after Standard & Poor's, one of the big three ratings agencies, placed the country on negative watch.
Greenspan: we're still on the edge
Alan Greenspan, a former chairman of the Federal Reserve, has warned that American banks need to raise a lot more capital before the financial crisis can end.
A feeble response to an unprecedented crisis
Officials have failed to deliver on their promises of a regulatory overhaul. It is a pity, writes Robert Pringle, the chairman of Central Banking Publications.
Ghana's Acquah emphasises role of social contract
To ensure the safety and security of the financial system, officials must re-commit to the tenets of the unwritten compact that are essential to maintain the confidence and trust of the public, Paul Acquah, the governor of the Bank of Ghana, has said.
A feast of books on the crisis
Robert Pringle and Hugh Sandeman review the first wave of books on the current global financial crisis
Getting systemic risk regulation right: an agenda for the US
Robert Litan says systemic regulation can be done, and sets out who should do it in the United States – and how
Interview: William White
Claire Jones speaks to William White about the lessons from history in getting out of the current crisis and the need for thinking more long term about the consequences of policymaking
Banking crises bring longer downturns
Financial turmoil characterised by banking distress is more likely to result in severe and protracted downturns than crises caused by volatility in securities or foreign exchange markets, new research from the International Monetary Fund posits.
Basel Committee's Wellink wants burden shared
Nout Wellink, the president of the Netherlands Bank and the chairman of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, has said that he is in favour of proposals for supranational supervision in Europe but warned that the issue of burden-sharing was crucial.
Fed aids Treasury in toxic-asset removal
To support the Treasury's plan to rid banks of toxic assets, the Federal Reserve on Tuesday said that it will take some mortgage-backed securities on to its books from July.
Our outdated global monetary regime must go
From its roots in post-war reconstruction, the current international monetary system has evolved into a regime fundamentally unsuited to the realities of today's global economy. But it cannot last, writes Ousmene Mandeng
Sub-Saharan Africa faces severe slump, IMF warns
The International Monetary Fund warned on Tuesday that economies in sub-Saharan Africa were facing a "severe downturn" and called for a strong public-policy response both domestically and internationally.
IMF's Kato: speed up governance reform
The International Monetary Fund should accelerate reform of its governance structure to better reflect global realities, said Takatoshi Kato, a deputy managing director of the Fund.
Banks back to deposit funding - Norway's Gjedrem
Deposits must again take precedence as the largest funding source for banks, said Svein Gjedrem, the governor of the Norges Bank.