Financial Stability
Bank names special resolution czar
Bank of England's chief cashier to head unit
FSA's Turner moots role for ring-fencing
The head of Britain's banking regulator suggests separating overseas operations ay be necessary for cross-border banks
New Zealand publishes liquidity guidelines
Reserve Bank releases prudential rules
Ortiz on governance, risk and Mexico's progress
The Bank of Mexico governor and BIS chairman discusses central bank governance, monitoring systemic risk and why Mexico has managed to avoid a financial meltdown despite being hard hit by the crisis
Basel Committee's Praet on the crisis
Justin Keay spoke with the executive director of the National Bank of Belgium (responsible for international cooperation and stability) about the regulatory implications of the current financial crisis
Bahrain's Al Maraj on pros of conservatism
The governor of the Central Bank of Bahrain tells Malan Rietveld that the country’s conservative approach to finance, regulation and construction is paying dividends in a time of crisis.
Putin calls on central bank to lend directly
Vladimir Putin, Russia’s prime minister, has called on the central bank to lend to regional banks
HKMA signs agreement on renminbi settlement
The HKMA and People’s Bank of China laid the foundations for a renminbi settlement scheme to be based in the territory
Boston Fed’s Rosengren on forward-looking regulation
Boston Fed’s Eric Rosengren says that regulation must look for future risks in the system
Bank lending main conduit for crisis
Emerging economies with close ties to the banking systems of advanced economies have been hit hard by the financial crisis– IMF
BIS: banks must shrink and simplify
Basel calls for smaller, simpler and safer banks
Stability role will turn up political heat – Ortiz
Enhanced stability mandate likely to be accompanied by more political scrutiny, says Bank for International Settlements chairman and governor of the Bank of Mexico
Bernanke responds to claims of Merrill cover-up
Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, on Thursday claimed that the central bank had acted "with the highest integrity" in discussions with Bank of America over its takeover of Merrill Lynch, a now defunct investment bank.
IMF opens Lat Am technical assistance centre
The doors to the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) central American technical assistance centre opened for the first time on Wednesday.
Treasury's Allison: financial system more stable
There are tentative signs that the financial system is beginning to stabilise and that the US Treasury's efforts have made an important contribution to this, said Herbert Allison Jr, the assistant secretary for financial stability at the US Treasury.
Why money laundering is a real challenge
Combating money laundering is a real challenge in many developing countries because of the scarcity of capacity and resources, said Tom Alweendo, the governor of Bank of Namibia.
Denmark - Financial Stability Report
The National Bank of Denmark finds it positive that most large- and medium-sized domestic banks have indicated that they will apply for government capital injections, said the central bank in its latest Financial Stability Report.
FSA's Turner pushes for tax on size
Adair Turner, the chief executive of the Financial Services Authority, has joined the growing chorus of calls for limits on banks' size.