Quantitative easing
ECB accelerates end of QE programmes
New forward guidance hints rate rise will not immediately follow end of asset purchases
Bank of Canada governor says rate increase ‘was first step’
Macklem says he expects inflation to fall in second half and expectations remain anchored
Bundesbank raises inflation forecast
Nagel calls for policy normalisation and says Bundesbank could increase risk provisioning again
Eurozone inflation reaches new record high of 5.8%
Energy inflation remains main factor boosting prices, at 31.7% in February
Commodity prices rise sharply after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
Energy prices already account for around 50% of headline inflation in the eurozone
RBNZ increases policy rate to 1%
Committee debated the possibility of increasing rates by 50bp
Riksbank minutes confirm board division on normalisation
Three out of six board members voted to accelerate end of net asset purchases
Fed’s Brainard backs series of rate hikes followed by asset runoff
Governor says economy is responding appropriately to Fed communications and incoming data
Eurozone inflation may hit target in medium term, says Lane
ECB chief economist says eurozone may face fundamentally changed inflation dynamics
Sovereign bond markets test ECB’s QE withdrawal plans
Investors see “huge risks” of turmoil in peripheral eurozone debt markets
Change at the Bundesbank: from Weidmann to Nagel?
Joachim Nagel’s appointment highlights the importance of politics at the apex of German central banking. Veteran central bank watcher Klaus C Engelen looks at the media reaction and asks if Buba/ECB discord is set to continue
Knot eyes first ECB rate hike in Q4 2022
Dutch governor expects eurozone inflation to remain over 4% for much of 2022
ECB maintains stance but Lagarde hints at hawkish policy turn
Lagarde's press conference remarks seem to differ from policy statement, analysts say
BoE hikes main rate and begins shrinking balance sheet
UK Treasury unveils parallel measures to cushion impact of surging energy prices
Record-high eurozone inflation raises pressure on ECB
HICP increased by 5.1%, well above consensus expectation of 4.4%, as energy prices drive up reading
RBA halts asset purchases
Australian central bank maintains interest rates at 0.1%
Wunsch calls for gradual ECB policy tightening
Belgian governor stresses risks posed by prolonged negative rates and QE
Pierre Wunsch on inflation, forward guidance and policy tightening
The National Bank of Belgium governor speaks about over-reliance on central bank models and forward guidance, the impact of energy costs and inflation expectations, and the need to unwind unconventional monetary policies
Fed signals time will be right for rate hike ‘soon’
QE set to end in March, with balance sheet to start shrinking after rates rise
‘Flood’ of reserves may not boost liquidity, say Acharya and Rajan
Central bank balance sheet expansion could harm liquidity in some cases, former RBI officials find
Fed keeps investors guessing on speed and endpoint of tightening
Investors generally agree the Fed will tighten policy, but how much and when are unclear
Nagel warns high inflation could last longer than expected
New Bundesbank president says monetary policy should monitor climate change risks
Fed’s Clarida resigns after latest trading revelations
Vice-chair departs 17 days early after new disclosures about equities sales
Fed’s Clarida reveals large pre-pandemic equities trades
Departing vice-chair files amended disclosure forms, reigniting criticism of Fed leaders