Basel III
G30 unveils macroprudential manual
Group of Thirty recommends dual approach to macroprudential policy; says combination of fixed and flexible tools will equip supervisors to address systemic risks
IIF defends doom-and-gloom Basel III forecasts
Institute for International Finance backs up its predictions of Basel III output loss, which are deeper than regulators’
BIS’s Caruana says central banks have pivotal role in regulation
Bank for International Settlements general manager Jaime Caruana says central banks are best placed and have the necessary expertise to regulate markets
BIS’s Cecchetti on benefits of phasing in Basel III
Bank for International Settlements economic adviser Stephen Cecchetti says stronger capital requirements will be easier to swallow if phased in with new ratios
RBA’s Ellis warns of complacency over new Basel rules
Reserve Bank of Australia head of financial stability Luci Ellis calls for diligent policing of financial markets; says Basel rules are insufficient protection
Bank of Spain's Roldán highlights Basel III flaws
Basel III’s architecture, hybrid capital and liquidity buffers among potential pitfalls; views shared by BaFin's Sanio
Basel liquidity rules hit fresh objections
A reworking of part of the liquidity coverage ratio is rejected by the Basel Committee
Basel II grievances stir transatlantic tensions on new accord
BNP Paribas chairman Michel Pébereau slams United States’ failure to implement Basel II across the board; says Basel III will unfairly impair Europe
Weber, Blankfein praise Basel III leverage cap
Bundesbank president Axel Weber and Goldman Sachs chairman Lloyd Blankfein laud Basel III’s inclusion of leverage ratio, as opposition mounts
Too big to fail solution essential, says Weber
Bundesbank president Axel Weber says financial system will be unsafe unless too big to fail problem is solved
Basel III could distort monetary policy: ECB’s Bini Smaghi warns
European Central Bank executive board member Lorenzo Bini Smaghi says Basel III may have unintended consequences on monetary policy
Banks fear soaring regulatory compliance costs: industry survey
Survey of financial firms shows three quarters of respondents expect costs of complying with Basel III, Dodd-Frank to exceed costs in past three years
MAS governor on regulatory reform
Monetary Authority of Singapore’s Heng Swee Keat notes need for better regulations, better appreciation of the macro-financial linkages, and firmer supervision
BIS’s Caruana lauds Basel III
Bank for International Settlements general manager Jaime Caruana spells out importance of Basel III capital reforms
Bank’s Bailey places public at heart of stability remit
Bank of England’s Andrew Bailey says public acceptance of stability goal necessary to stave off future crises
Basel III: Banks fret about return on equity
Investors could shun bank equity if higher capital levels cause returns to slip
Goodhart attacks new European supervisory structure
Academic labels three new watchdogs “a waste and a mistake”; former financial secretary Lord Myners scornful of Basel III
Contingent capital will keep markets on their toes: Canada’s Carney
Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney says a broad bail-in approach presents a promising means to rein in moral hazard; says Basel III will benefit competition
Impact of Basel III core capital standards remains unclear, analysts say
As governors back higher capital standards, ex-Bank of England special adviser argues economic impact remains difficult to pin down; commentators say reforms do not address risk attitudes
Subbarao concerned over Basel III countercyclical measures
Reserve Bank of India governor Duvvuri Subbarao cites concern over variable likely to be used to calibrate countercyclical buffers
Basel Committee has agreed on capital ratio: Buba’s Zeitler
Senior officials set to meet on Sunday to discuss the proposal
Basel Committee defends adjustments to Basel III as calibration decisions loom
Regulators describe difficulties ahead as they prepare for Basel III calibration and transition decisions in September
New Basel proposals threaten bank sub debt, investors warn
Bond investors voice concerns over freedom given to national regulators to determine trigger events for conversions or haircuts
Basel Committee to rethink CVA capital charge
Regulators might adapt the bond-equivalent approach amid claims the methodology will lead to perverse incentives