House-price fall precipitated subprime collapse
The reason for the raft of subprime defaults was a sudden fall in house prices, which made prepayment of loans a less attractive option, finds research from the St Louis Federal Reserve.
Public sector should provide liquidity: RBA
The public sector should provide liquidity in times of stress, finds a new paper from the Reserve Bank of Australia
China not too reliant on exports
China's is much less dependent on exports than commonly thought, research from the Hong Kong Monetary Authority notes.
Convergence will cut CNB's losses
The Czech National Bank should be able to repay its foreign-exchange-related losses by 2023 as the economy converges with developed economies, finds a new paper from the central bank.
No uniform path to euro
There is no one-size-fits-all euro adoption policy available for the eight new EU countries from Central and Eastern Europe, finds a new paper from the Bank of Estonia.
CNB's inflation-targeting review
The Czech National Bank has published a collection of research papers to commemorate ten years of inflation targeting.
Minneapolis Fed sheds light on crisis myths
Four widely-held beliefs about the financial crisis of 2008 are false, research from the Minneapolis Federal Reserve finds.
Monetary policy and exchange-rate interaction
Research from Norges Bank shows a high degree of interaction between monetary policy and exchange rates.
Price-level targeting brings gains
Adopting an optimal price-level target instead of an optimal inflation-targeting regime can bring additional welfare gains, a new paper from the Bank of Canada finds.
A credit risk model for all
Research from the Czech National Bank and the Bundesbank provides a template to investigate the credit risk environment of any economy.
Bank's monetary-policy roundtable
The Bank of England has published a note summarising its first monetary policy roundtable, run jointly with the Centre for Economic Policy Research.
A better approach to prediction
The Philadelphia Federal Reserve has developed what it believes to be a superior approach to forecasting a range of macroeconomic variables.
Financial integration in Asia
A recent collection of eight papers from the Bank of International Settlements focuses on regional financial integration in Asia.
Valuation at the heart of crisis: Banque de France
Valuation issues lie at the heart of the financial turmoil, Banque de France stated in its latest Financial Stability Review.
Loan surveys predict well future investment
The Bank of Canada's senior loan officer survey results provide useful information about future investment and the availability of business credit, finds a new research paper from the central bank.
Schumpeter superior to Smith
Schumpeter's creative destruction is better for understanding the nature of the US economy than Smith's invisible hand and perfect competition, according to new research from the Philadelphia Federal Reserve.
High commodity prices and the Canadian dollar
A new paper from the Bank of Canada examines the impact of the recent surge in energy and non-energy commodity prices on the loonie.
China's impact on global inflation
Research from the Bank of Canada examines the effect of China on the inflation rate in other countries.
Regulation of public services in Italy
A paper from the Bank of Italy outlines the evolution of the regulatory framework for the supply of local public utilities, social and health services in Italy since the early 1990s.
Financial instability hurts corporate
Financial stability is connected to corporate investment and deterioration in the health of the financial sector can restrain macroeconomic performance, finds a new study from the Federal Reserve.
Benefits of remittances overstated
The economy-wide benefits of remittances may be overstated, finds a new paper from the International Monetary Fund.
Wages and prices determined by shocks
New research from the Bank of Portugal finds that import-price and unemployment shocks lead to wage and price rises in the Portuguese economy.
US can learn from Sweden's banking crisis
A new research paper prepared for the US congress draws lessons for the US from Sweden's banking crisis in the early 1990s.
Phillips curve is flattening
A new paper from the Reserve Bank of Australia finds that the Phillips curve, which measures the relationship between unemployment and inflation, has flattened in recent years.