
Hungarian parliament passes new central bank act

HUNGARY - The Hungarian parliament passed the new Central Bank Act late evening of 19 June. The new act relegates supervisory authority over the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) to the State Audit Office (ASZ), and replaces the current central bank council…

Hungary's Suranyi says pay cuts against the law

A decision by then-finance minister Zsigmond Jarai to slash the bonuses of the leaders of the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) is a signal that Jarai's appointment as MNB governor will reduce the central bank's independence, outgoing governor Gyorgy…

Suranyi cites record of six years of econ growth

In his farewell speech on Feb. 8, 2001 National Bank of Hungary (NBH) president Gyorgy Suranyi emphasized the sustainable growth achieved in Hungary since 1996. Speaking at a press conference in Budapest, Mr Suranyi, whose term expires on March 1,…

Future Hungary head sets EMU roadmap

National Bank of Hungary (NBH) governor designate Zsigmond Jarai said on Feb 5., 2001, that Hungary must forge a path to join the euro zone, including two possible cuts in the monthly devaluation rate of the forint in 2001. "We should mark the route and…

Szapary appointed vice president of Hungary cbank

Gyorgy Suranyi, head of the National Bank of Hungary (MNB), has nominated Gyorgy Szapary to be MNB vice president as of Feb. 21, 2001. Szapary is currently a consultant at the MNB, and held the post of MNB vice-president until 1999. However, Prime…

Hungary fin min expects good teamwork with

The existing good working relations with incumbent Finance Minister Zsigmond Jarai will provide the basis for a good partnership between the Finance Ministry and the National Bank of Hungary in the future, Mihaly Varga told reporters on Dec 28.

Hungary publishes 2001 monetary policy guidelines

The National Bank of Hungary (MNB) agrees with the government on the necessity and method of changing the country's current exchange rate system, but so far no agreement has been reached on a timetable for the change, according to the MNB's monetary…

Hungary cenbank council may become dysfunctional

The supervisory board of the National Bank of Hungary is concerned that the central bank council may become unable to function and make decisions after 20 February 2001, according to the daily Vilaggazdasag.

Hungary's lower reserve rate seen positive

The National Bank of Hungary said it would cut its effective mandatory reserve rate to 7% from 11% as of 1 February. Analysts said that this would improve the competitiveness of the banking sector, boost growth and stimulate investment.

Hungary PM asks Jarai to be central bank chief

In a widely tipped move, Hungary's prime minister, Viktor Orban, has asked minister of finance Zsigmond Jarai to head the National Bank of Hungary from March, when the six-year tenure of the current president Gyorgy Suranyi expires.

New vice presidents suggested for Hungary cenbank

Hungarian daily newspaper Nepszava gave a list of the likely nominees for the post of new vice presidents at the National Bank of Hungary after the tenure of the current President Gyorgy Suranyi expires on March 1.

Removal of Hugary cenbank head now official

The head of the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) will leave his office on March 1 next year, and changes to the Central Bank Act will be worked out in cooperation with the new governor, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said in an interview with the public…

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