
Smaghi: challenges facing EU

"The EU (European Union) will be confronted with three major challenges: rapid technological change, globalisation and an ageing population," Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, member of the executive board, European Central Bank (ECB), said.

IMF: global imbalances matter to Europe

According to an IMF working paper published in June, although Europe in the aggregate is a not a major contributor to global current account imbalances, its trade and financial linkages with the rest of the world mean that it will still be affected by a…

New ECB Research Bulletin

The European Central Bank released it latest Research Bulletin on 29 June. The bulletin contains articles on the international carry trade, financial integration and capital flows in the new EU member states and productivity growth in the euro area.

Interview with Paul de Grauwe

In an interview with EurActiv, published Thursday 10 May, Paul de Grauwe warns that "ill-founded" and "dangerous" criticism of the European Central Bank by newly elected French president Nicolas Sarkozy could threaten monetary union.

Sweden's berg on increased financial integration

In the speech 'Increased financial integration - future challenges' given on 19 April Svante berg of the Sveriges Riksbank said financial integration is increasing rapidly in Europe, and this will lead to better conditions for economic growth, but that…

Supervisors must be professionals

According to this article by Jean Lemierre, published by The Banker, whether responsibility for banking supervision in the EU lies with national central banks or with separate agencies, it must be able to stand up to pressure.

EU agrees cross-border payment plan

EU finance ministers on Tuesday 27 March agreed a plan to make cross-border payments more efficient throughout the 27-nation bloc and set new rules to limit political interference in banking takeovers.

International finance and income convergence

The IMF Working Paper "International finance and income convergence: Europe is different" says recent studies conclude that the ongoing global financial integration may have had little or no value in advancing economic growth, especially in poor…

Macedonia's Goshev on the EFSE

In the speech 'Promotion of the European Fund for Southeast Europe - EFSE in the Republic of Macedonia' given on 1 March Petar Goshev of the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia said the scope for the EFSE's policies directed towards micro and…

Report says watchdog to probe ECB settlement plan

The European Central Bank's plans to establish an integrated securities settlement system in the euro zone will be examined by the region's competition watchdog, according to a report by the FT Thursday 1 February.

BoE paper on Asia's choice of exchange rate regime

In the Bank of England Working Paper "Does Asia's choice of exchange rate regime affect Europe's exposure to US shocks?" the authors use a stylised three-country model to analyse how the transmission of US shocks to Europe might be affected by Asia's…

Financial statistics for a global economy

The European Central Bank published Proceedings of the 3rd ECB conference on statistics, held 4 and 5 May 2006, on 15 February. The series of ECB conferences on statistics has become an important forum for multidisciplinary, forward-looking exchanges of…

EU's Almunia says 'no problem' for exchange rates

Current exchange rates, mainly the value of the euro against the yen, pose no threat to the economy, the EU's Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs Joaquin Almunia said in a magazine interview Tuesday 13 February.

Europe's uneven growth challenge

According to this article on the Project Syndicate website, growth has become less evenly balanced throughout the eurozone with the resurgence in German growth.

Belgium's Quaden on structural reforms in Europe

In the speech 'Structural reforms in Europe - harmonisation or decentralisation?' given on 12 January Guy Quaden of the National Bank of Belgium said structural reform applies to existing situations which differ radically from one country to another,…

Ministers concerned over settlement plan - report

European finance ministers have raised doubts about the European Central Bank's plan to provide its own settlement system for eurozone securities transactions, the Financial Times reported Monday 22 January.

EPCA conference scheduled for May

The 6th International European Payments Consulting Association (EPCA) Conference will be held in Frankfurt on 15 and 16 May 2007. This year's theme is 'Reshaping the European payment landscape: the realistic scenarios'.

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