
Iceland shows need for pan-EU supervisory approach

The Icelandic experience in the current crisis shows that the European Union's (EU) arrangements for cross-border banking supervision and deposit insurance need urgent strengthening, a new paper from Robert Wade, a professor of political economy at the…

Europe's ACHs bemoan Sepa's slow start

Europe's leading automated clearing houses (ACHs), which process and route payments, hit out at the lack of progress on the Single Euro Payments Area (Sepa) on Wednesday and called for an end date for national standards to hasten its implementation.

Labour models with best fit

Labour models with wage stickiness and right-to-manage bargaining or with firm-specific labour deliver the best fit, a new paper from the European Central Bank posits.

Basel Committee's Wellink wants burden shared

Nout Wellink, the president of the Netherlands Bank and the chairman of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, has said that he is in favour of proposals for supranational supervision in Europe but warned that the issue of burden-sharing was crucial.

European banks to drop interchange fees by 2012

The European Commission and the European Central Bank (ECB) have told European banks to get rid of interchange fees on direct debit transactions by 31 October 2012 under EU antitrust rules.

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