Federal Reserve System
How much do you know about the Federal Reserve?
QUIZ - In a week that sees the Federal Reserve decide on interest rates and on the day that Alan Greenspan finds out he will receive a knighthood from the Queen of England, the Washington Post provides a short 10 question quiz on the Federal Reserve.
Knighthood for Fed's Greenspan
US - Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan will receive an honorary knighthood from Britain's Queen Elizabeth II. The honour recognises his "contribution global economic stability," the UK government said in announcing the knighthood.
Speech by Robert Parry, San Francisco Fed, 2 Aug
SPEECH - In a speech 'After the Recession: A Monetary Policymaker Looks Ahead' Parry said the decline in the U.S. dollar this year -- around 10 percent against the euro and the yen -- could help to boost growth by raising demand for U.S. goods. He also…
Economic Review from the Atlanta Fed Bank
RESEARCH - The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta has published its Economic Review for the Second Quarter 2002. The Review features articles including 'The Economics of Payment Finality' and Asset Returns and Economic Risk.
Speech by William Poole, St Louis Fed Bank, 4 Aug
SPEECH - In the speech 'Financial Stability' Poole said the United States could benefit from the accounting and corporate governance scandals that have beat markets down to multi-year lows as reforms are put in place. "We will come out the other side of…
Double-dip recession unlikely - Fed's Poole
US - St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank President William Poole said on Sunday the odds the U.S. economy might fall back into recession given the stock market's recent woes were "very, very small."
Federal Reserve Board Press Release
PRESS RELEASE - Donald L. Kohn and Ben S. Bernanke sworn in as Board members, 5 August.
Fed's Parry still sees modest U.S. expansion
US - A top Federal Reserve policy-maker said on Friday he still thinks the United States is in a modest economic expansion, despite weaker-than-expected growth figures for the June quarter.
The Region from the Minneapolis Fed, June 2002
PUBLICATION - The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis has published its regular magazine, The Region, for June 2002. In the issue Gary Becker, Nobel prize-winning economist, discusses his views on moral hazard in banking, his work on the economics of…
The Regional Economist, July 2002
PUBLICATION - The Quarterly Review of Business and Economic Conditions, The Regional Economist, from the St Louis Fed contains an article 'Beyond Risk Lies Uncertainty' in which it is claimed stock market investors will find out why it's so important to…
Another Milton Milestone
ARTICLE - Another article paid tribute to Milton Friedman on his birthday (90) Wednesday. 'The most influential economist of the second half of the 20th century,' as the NationalReviewOnline called him. The article reveals that Friedman showed that…
Bush, Greenspan review economy over lunch
US - President Bush on Thursday hosted Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan for lunch to review the U.S. economic outlook following a second-quarter growth slowdown.
Senate confirms new nominees to Federal Reserve
US - The US Senate on Wednesday confirmed President Bush's two latest nominees to the Federal Reserve Board, Princeton economist Ben Bernanke and Donald Kohn, a long-time staff aide at the central bank.
Milton Friedman - A lifetime in economics
ARTICLE - In its regular Economic Insights publication the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas pays tribute to Milton Friedman who was 90 years old yesterday (Wednesday 31 July) with "Milton Friedman-Economist as Public Intellectual". Not only does the…
Federal Reserve Board - Beige Book, July 2002
REPORT - The Federal Reserve Beige Book released 31 July revealed that the U.S. economy has expanded modestly but unevenly in recent weeks, although some districts are worried about the economic impact of the stock-market plunge.
Chicago Fed National Activity Index, June 2002
REPORT - CFNAI returns to positive territory. In June, the Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI) was above zero for the second time this year at +0.14. The three-month moving average, CFNAI-MA3, rose to -0.03.
Main Street Economist, June 2002
REPORT - Main Street Economist June 2002 from the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas, The New Power of Regions: A Policy Focus for Rural America By Mark Drabenstott and Katharine Sheaff.
Philadelphia Fed Business Review, 2nd Quarter 2002
REPORT - The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia has published its regular Business Review for the Second Quarter 2002.
Speech by Fed Reserve Governor Mark Olson, 26 July
SPEECH - In the speech titled 'Economic change in rural America' Olson said that the relatively mild recession suffered by the U.S. last year suggests the recovery won't be all that spectacular. "It is clear we are in a recovery period, but it's also…
Fed's Olson - US in recovery but it will be slow
US - The United States is clearly in a recovery but the rebound from last year's brief recession is likely to be slow, Federal Reserve governor Mark Olson said on Friday.
Senate panel sets hearing on Fed nominees
US - The Senate Banking Committee will hold a hearing on Tuesday on the nominations of Ben Bernanke and Donald Kohn to serve on the Federal Reserve Board, the panel said on Friday.
Luck not Greenspan calmed business cycles - study
US - Many have praised the brilliance of Alan Greenspan and his predecessor at the Federal Reserve helm for blunting the most savage swings of the U.S. business cycle. But there's a good chance most of what tamed the booms and tempered the busts was…
Rumours persist of emergency fed meeting
US - The US Federal Reserve refused to comment Wednesday on rumours that it was considering an emergency meeting in response to the collapse in the stock markets.
What the boss is for
ARTICLE - When Alan Greenspan, chairman of the US Federal Reserve Board, observed in a recent speech that "the CEO-dominant paradigm will likely continue to be viewed as the most viable form of corporate governance", he stepped into a minefield claimed…