Federal Reserve System
Origins of modern central bank policy
The latest issue of the Dallas Fed's Economic Insights magazine profiles Irving Fisher. He was one of America's most celebrated economists during the first quarter of the 20th century and a pioneer in many theoretical and technical areas of economics…
Greenspan says US economy on fairly firm ground
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan told the US Congress on Thursday 9 May that the US economy seems to be on a "reasonably firm footing," with inflation under control.
Fed's Kohn on regulatory relief
In testimony 'Regulatory relief' given on 9 June Donald Kohn of the Federal Reserve said the Fed opposes parts of a bill that allows industrial loan companies to offer interest-bearing business transaction accounts without making the companies subject to…
Atlanta Fed's Guynn sees more US rate rises
Jack Guynn, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, said the US economy will be able to withstand further rate hikes as it is on a "solid" growth track.
Fed's Bies expects Basel rules in 6-8 weeks
The Federal Reserve wants to hear from banks about their efforts to implement the Basel II capital agreement, Federal Reserve Governor Susan Schmidt Bies said on Wednesday 8 June.
Greenspan at central bank panel discussion
In the speech 'Central bank panel discussion' given on 6 June Alan Greenspan of the Federal Reserve said that recent efforts to restrict international trade and hinder free markets represent a "truly worrisome" threat to global prosperity.
St Louis Fed's Central Banker, Summer 2005
The St. Louis Fed's Central Banker magazine for Summer 2005 has been published. The latest edition includes an article by Julie Stackhouse, senior vice president of Banking Supervision and Regulation, who shares her thoughts about how community bankers…
'The Region' from the Minneapolis Fed, Jun 2005
The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis has published its regular magazine, The Region, for June 2005. It includes the article by Gary Stern "Formalizing the success of past policy" on the promise of an inflation targeting framework for achieving long…
Richmond Fed's Economic Quarterly, Spring 2005
The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond has published its Economic Quarterly for Spring 2005. The latest issue includes the article 'What difference would an inflation target make?'
Fed's Olson says loan standards easing
In a speech given on Friday 3 June Mark Olson of the Federal Reserve said some underwriting standards held by U.S. community banks for commercial real estate lending have been "under assault" by competitive pressure to win borrowers.
Gramlich unsure on what 'inning' Fed is in
Federal Reserve governor Edward Gramlich said on Friday 3 June that he did not know what stage the US central bank was at in its interest-rate rise cycle.
Fed's Ferguson says US house prices to slow
House prices seem high in much of the United States and price growth is likely to slow, Federal Reserve Vice-Chairman Roger Ferguson said on Friday 27 May in a speech at the seventh Deutsche Bundesbank spring conference.
Fed's Bies on capital and risk management
In the speech 'Capital and risk management' given on 26 May, Susan Schmidt Bies of the Federal Reserve said she sees no reason to replace Basel I for the vast majority of banks in the United States.
Olson on Federal Reserve in an electronic world
In the speech 'The Federal Reserve in an electronic world' given on 19 May, Mark Olson of the Federal Reserve said the role of the private sector is growing in all segments of the payments system, from providing payments services, to setting industry…
Fed's Gramlich on politics of inflation targeting
In the speech 'The politics of inflation targeting' given on 26 May Edward Gramlich of the Federal Reserve said there was little political support in the United States for adopting a formal inflation target and such a step would yield only modest…
Fed's Bies on benefits & implementation of Basel 2
In the speech 'Financial stability benefits and implementation challenges of Basel II' given on 17 May Susan Bies of the Federal Reserve said in preparing for Basel II, supervisors realize that they must address their own capital needs--that is, human…
Fed's Olson on Basel II
In the speech 'Basel II' given on 16 May Mark Olson of the Federal Reserve said U.S. regulators would delay further or seek to change Basel II international bank soundness rules because of an uneven response by banks to a dry run of the rules.
Fed's Greenspan on energy
In the speech 'Energy' given on 20 May Alan Greenspan of the Federal Reserve said a modest easing in oil demand in response to higher prices should keep inventories rising in the U.S. and elsewhere for some months.
Fed's Kohn on modeling inflation
In a speech on 'Modeling inflation: A policymaker's perspective' given on 20 May, Donald Kohn of the Federal Reserve called for improvements in inflation modeling, saying an increase in core US inflation in 2004 and 2005 caught him and many other…
Fed's Greenspan on government-sponsored enterprise
In the speech 'Government-sponsored enterprises' given on 19 May Alan Greenspan of the Federal Reserve levelled criticisms at the two mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Greenspan on leaving the Fed
In a speech given on 15 May Alan Greenspan of the Federal Reserve expressed his intention of leaving office when his current term ends in January next year.
Fed's Ferguson on globalization
In a speech on 'Globalization: Evidence and policy implications' given on 12 May, Roger Ferguson of the Federal Reserve said central banks will not be coordinating monetary policy any time soon nor is it desirable.
Fed's Bies on the Basel II Accord and H.R. 1226
In testimony 'The Basel II Accord and H.R. 1226' given on 11 May Susan Bies of the Federal Reserve said a key US banking regulator is aiming to issue rules implementing an international banking agreement about how much capital banks hold by this fall.
Fed Reserve Bank of St Louis Review, May/June 2005
The latest edition of the St Louis Fed's Review for May-June 2005 includes the articles "Monetary policy and commodity futures" and "Using implied volatility to measure uncertainty about interest rates".