Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Atlanta Fed Working Paper, June 2002
RESEARCH - Working Paper from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta on 'International Money and Common Currencies in Historical Perspective' by Gerald P. Dwyer Jr. and James R. Lothian. They conclude that the euro is likely to be serious competition for…
Speech by Jack Guynn President Atlanta Fed, 25 Feb
SPEECH - Guynn said in the speech titled 'Thoughts on the Economy' that the coming economic recovery will be "a good deal more moderate" than after prior downturns, adding that he sees "considerable uncertainty" about the outlook for business investment…
Atlanta Fed's Guynn sees slow-paced U.S. recovery
US - Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank President Jack Guynn predicted on Monday that the U.S. economy's recovery from recession will be slower than in the past recoveries, with consumer spending and housing unlikely to lend the usual kick.
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta - Press Release
PRESS RELEASE - Atlanta Fed names Juan C Sanchez Assistant Vice President, 31 January.
Speech by Jack Guynn President of the Atlanta Fed
SPEECH - In the speech titled 'The Economic Outlook for 2002' Jack Guynn said he was closely watching corporate profits for signals of a turnaround in the U.S. economy.
Speech by Reserve Bank of New Zealand governor
SPEECH - In the speech 'Inflation targeting 14 years on' Brash says that in New Zealand's experience he has little doubt that the adoption of inflation targeting helped to provide an anchor for monetary policy in New Zealand.
Speech by Patrick Barron of the Atlanta Fed
SPEECH - Remarks by Patrick K. Barron, Retail Payments Product Director, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, BAI National Electronic Check Collection Conference, Tucson, Arizona, 1 October.
The Economy in Transition
SPEECH - Remarks by Jack Guynn, President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Jackson Rotary Club, Jackson, Mississippi, 23 July.