Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Atlanta Fed's Guynn on corporate governance

In a speech on 'Ethical challenges in a market economy' given on 11 April, Jack Guynn of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta said the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act has helped restore trust in US corporations at a "very substantial" financial cost to some…

Atlanta Fed's Barron on payment systems

In a speech on 'New remedies for a changing world of payments' given on 21 March, Patrick Barron of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta said it is notable that the number of electronic payment transactions in the United States - for the first time -…

Atlanta's Guynn on importance of price stability

In a speech on 'The importance of price stability' given on 23 February, Jack Guynn of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta said he expects the national economy to grow by 3 per cent to 4 per cent in 2005, but policymakers need to keep a close eye on…

Atlanta Fed's Guynn: Rebalancing the economy

In the speech 'Rebalancing the economy for long-term growth' given on 10 January, Jack Guynn of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta said the Federal Reserve has never pledged to raise interest rates at only a measured pace and is closely watching…

Resolving large financial intermediaries: Update

In this updated article, the authors examine issues surrounding the possible failure of Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. Finding parallels between resolving insolvent large banks and insolvent housing enterprises, the authors suggest improvements to the…

The rise and fall of American inflation

In this Atlanta Fed Working Paper the authors estimate a model that allows temporary gaps between a true expectational Phillips curve and the monetary authority's approximating nonexpectational Phillips curve. Their estimates indicate that policy makers…

Resolving US financial intermediaries

In the Atlanta Fed Working Paper "Resolving large financial intermediaries: Banks versus housing enterprises", the authors examine issues surrounding the possible failure of Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. Finding parallels between resolving insolvent large…

Guynn on responding to global competitive pressure

In the speech 'Responding to global competitive pressure' given on 25 August Jack Guynn of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta said a recent dip in U.S. growth will likely prove temporary and should not alter a Federal Reserve plan to gradually raise…

Former Atlanta Fed President Forrestal dies at 72

The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta announced on Wednesday, 26 May, the death of former Atlanta Fed President and Chief Executive Officer Robert P. Forrestal who passed away at 72. Forrestal served as Atlanta Fed president from 1983 until 1995.

Barron: Lowering barriers to cross-border payments

In the speech 'Lowering barriers to cross-border payments' given on 5 May Patrick Barron of the Atlanta Fed said we share a common goal to reduce international payment costs and provide banking services to millions of people who don't currently have bank…

Guynn on US growth and monetary policy

In a speech on 'Sustainable Growth and Monetary Policy' given on 24 March, Jack Guynn of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta said low US interest rates must rise as the economy gathers steam, and while that point has not yet been reached, businesses and…

Guynn on growth in a time of low interest rates

In a speech on 'Growth in a Time of Low Interest Rates' given on 4 March, Jack Guynn of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta said the steep interest-rate cuts of 2001 and 2002 were not neutral monetary policy. Rates were reduced in response to a…

Atlanta Fed's Guynn on growth through balance

In a speech on 'Growth Through Balance' given on 6 Novembe, Jack Guynn of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta said the key to sustainable economic growth, as with building a winning baseball team, is balance. You can't win in the big leagues with a…

Atlanta's Guynn: Beyond Short-Term Interests

In the speech 'Beyond Short-Term Interests' given on 21 November, Jack Guynn of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta said the U.S. economy is already growing in a way that appears broad-based and sustainable. Atlanta has a long list of "right stuff"…

US Fed to expand ACH payment system to Latin Am

Atlanta Fed officials have said that the Federal Reserve's ACH payment system will be expanded to include a Latin American country in 2004, according to Business News America, but the Atlanta retail payments office did not reveal the country due to…

Fed's Guynn says U.S. recovery sustainable

Speaking on Friday 21 November Atlanta Fed President Jack Guynn said that the US is already growing in what appears to be a broad based and sustainable way, according to Reuters. Though consumer spending may ease in the coming months, it is likely to…

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