European Central Bank (ECB)
ECB’s Constâncio calls for eurozone to cut back on debt
ECB vice-president says deleveraging has proceeded slowly so far due to growth concerns; emphasises debt reduction ought to be done using diverse measures, but says primary surpluses are key
Negative deposit rate ‘turbocharges’ QE, economists say
Former ECB board member Lorenzo Bini Smaghi says negative rate ‘creates a multiplier effect’ that boosts impact of QE, a view shared by other panellists at Frankfurt conference
Weidmann warns Greek ELA could raise ‘serious monetary financing concerns’
Bundesbank president says the ongoing provision of emergency funds to Greek banks will be a problem if the cash is used to buy sovereign debt
Radical rethink of central banking is still possible
Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz's call for central banking to be "reinvented" is a timely reminder that others need to heed
Greece closer to default as creditors throw out latest proposals
Leaked copy of counterproposal by Greece’s creditors complete with red-inked changes shows agreement as far away as ever, with less than a week until major IMF repayment
ECB welcomes ‘smooth’ T2S launch
Culmination of seven-year process sees first four CSDs migrate to the new platform and settle the first transactions, despite fears over remaining bugs
Eurogroup president looking for Greece deal ‘in next couple of days’
Jeroen Dijsselbloem says new Greek proposals are a ‘positive step in the process’ of the bailout review in a short press conference; government heads next to meet in Brussels
European presidents publish road map to closer union
Mario Draghi among senior officials to contribute to report calling for greater economic convergence, financial integration and ultimately more shared decision-making on fiscal policy
ECB paper tests systemic risk using ‘VAR for VaR’ model
Researchers use quantile regression in attempt to better account for outliers, which they say could have applications for stress testing
Eurozone recovery set to broaden, says ECB bulletin
Report presents growing body of good news for most eurozone economies as wages and consumption rise, inflation bottoms out and investment begins to return
ECB’s Mersch dismisses concerns over T2S launch at weekend
ECB executive board member admits a few bugs remain in Target2 Securities system, but argues they are not major and will not interrupt this weekend’s migration
Overconfident forecasters may be ‘overrepresented’ in ECB survey
Working paper finds participation in the Survey of Professional Forecasters drops when uncertainty rises, suggesting the results may be biased
EU court rules OMTs are legal
ECB is vindicated as ECJ rules in favour of crisis measure that would see the central bank buy potentially unlimited amounts of sovereign debt to protect ‘singleness’ of monetary policy
IMF's Blanchard urges compromise in Greek negotiations
Both sides need to make tough choices but more funding and some form of debt relief necessary, says IMF chief economist; Mario Draghi emphasises need for long-term EU institutional change
Draghi defends ‘distributional consequences’ of QE
ECB president suggests easy monetary policy will benefit all citizens in the longer run; economists describe impact on inequality as “ambiguous” in research prepared for Econ Committee
BoE minutes help markets shape expectations, paper finds
Working paper published by ECB finds markets make use of minutes when forming short-term expectations, but relationship breaks down over longer horizons
Weidmann sees bond reversal as ‘a kind of re-normalisation’
Bundesbank president argues sell-off is a ‘correction of market overshooting’ in the wake of ECB asset purchases; insists volatility is ‘not exceptionally high’ at present
Draghi defends ECB participation in private events
ECB president tells EU ombudsman that Benoit Coeuré did not reveal market-sensitive information at event in London in May; attributes late publication of speech to ‘internal miscommunication’
ECB paper emphasises productivity's role in export elasticity
Authors find a range of factors matter when assessing the response of exports to changes in the exchange rate, including productivity and both the type and magnitude of shocks
ECB paper examines financial exposure in eurozone
Working paper finds eurozone investors are ‘overexposed’ to securities issued within the region, more so in the case of ‘low-rating economies’
Liikanen sees potential for payments revolution
Bank of Finland governor says we are yet to witness the emergence of a ‘true future payment system’ but it nonetheless feels like ‘something fundamental has changed’
Economists expect last-minute Greek deal
With Greek finances still looking close to collapse, Central Banking asks a group of economists what the consequences of a last-minute agreement or default might be
ECB’s Mersch wants pan-European instant payment system
Executive board member hopes to bypass national schemes and use Sepa infrastructure to deliver pan-European instant payments
New euro banknotes go down well in the Netherlands
Study conducted for the Netherlands Bank finds new €5 and €10 banknotes are more popular than their predecessors, though familiarity with design features remains low