Ingves: The Riksbank and the Swedish economy
In this speech, Stefan Ingves, the governor of the Swedish Riksbank, outlines the recent changes the central bank has made to its communications strategy.
New IMF Survey
The latest IMF Survey includes articles on the Fund's role in exchange rate surveillance, the conclusions of its most recent "Global Financial Stability Report", and the economic outlook for Belgium, the Middle East and Central Asia.
CB independence under threat in New Zealand
According to this note by a New Zealand-based economic research company, Allan Bollard, the governor of the Reserve Bank of Zealand, has adopted an experimental "go for growth" monetary policy strategy. A move away from this approach could make the…
Henrique Meirelles: central banking natural
This article, from the International Herald Tribune, says Henrique Meirelles, the governor of the Central Bank of Brazil, has quickly mastered the central bankers' art of elusive communication.
New challenges for central bankers
In this speech, Ajith Nivard Cabraal, governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, says central bankers need to look beyond a single price index in the objectives to ensure economic and price stability.
Why is the dollar so high?'
In this paper, Martin Feldstein, once considered a frontrunner to replace Alan Greenspan as chairman of the US Federal Reserve, argues that a decline of the real value of the dollar that is large enough to reduce the current account deficit significantly…
Estimating potential output - Fed's Mishkin
In this speech, Frederic Mishkin, a governor at the Federal Reserve Board in Washington, provides a non-technical overview of academic research on the estimation of potential output, and important concept in monetary policy analysis.
New names for WB presidency
Some interesting names are being bandied about as potential replacements for Paul Wolfowitz as president of the World Bank, when he steps down next month.
Turkey's Yilmaz issues inflation warning
Inflation is expected to exceed the 4% target set by the government for the end of the year, Durmus Yilmaz, the governor of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, has told the country's cabinet.
Eurozone business confidence dips
Analysts are suggesting that business confidence in the euro area may have peaked. The May figure for the widely-watched Ifo index was unchanged from a month earlier for Germany, but somewhat lower for France and Italy.
Japanese consumers to keep economy floating
The International Monetary Fund predicts an economic expansion in Japan of 2.3% this year, followed by 1.9% in 2008.
A user's guide to derivatives data
This research note by US Federal Reserve discusses the potential use of newly-collected data on cross-border derivatives.
The Fund's changing role in Asia
In this speech, David Burton, director of the Asia & Pacific Department of the IMF, points out how the Fund's role in Asia has changed since the Asian financial crisis in 1997 and 1998.
World on the brink of higher inflation - OECD
Citing strong domestic demand as the main factor driving prices upward, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development says central banks should "err on the side of tightness" in the face of inflationary pressure.
Uncertainty surrounds Gulf monetary union
In the last week Kuwait and Oman have opted expand the range of currencies they peg their exchange rates to. These developments cast doubts over the gulf region's ability to meet its 2010 deadline for a monetary union.
PBoC deputy weighs in on exchange rate battles
With the US and China engaged in talks over the latter's large trade surplus, Su Ning, the deputy governor of the People's Bank of China has said that the surplus has not been caused by the yuan-dollar exchange rate but that the country nonetheless…
Too strong rupee?
This article from the International Herald Tribune suggests that calls are mounting on the Reserve Bank of India to stem the strengthening of the rupee.
Policy pitfalls in an asset-dependent world
In this week's edition of his weekly market commentary Morgan Stanley Chief Economist, Stephen Roach, says that American policymakers should stop blaming others for the global imbalances.
Monetary policy and the labour market
This speech Irma Rosenburg, first deputy governor of the Swedish Riksbank, explores the relationship between monetary policy and the labour market.
Research on negative savings rates
This research by the New York Fed suggests that the macroeconomic risks and those to individual households' well-being, associated with negative personal savings rates are overstated.
Cyprus's Orphanides prioritises euro entry
The newly-appointed governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus, Athanasios Orphanides, has told the country's parliament that overseeing a smooth introduction to the euro in January is the central bank's number one priority.
Central banks and economic research
In this speech, Jean-Claude Trichet, the president of the European Central Bank, emphasises the importance of research to the work central banks do.
Monetary operations in China
This Bank of Japan Working Paper suggests that the People's Bank of China's money market operations have been focused mainly on China-US interest rate differentials for the sake of stability in the Renminbi exchange rate after the July 2005 reform.
The outlook for the Indian economy
In the speech Dr Y.V. Reddy, the governor of the Reserve Bank of India, discusses macroeconomic performance, the financial sector, the short term outlook, and the challenges and strengths of the Indian economy.