Financial Stability

Banks struggle with SEPA set-up

More than half of banks will not be able to comply with the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) initiative, which comes into effect in January.

SWIFT responds to privacy fears with new EU base

SWIFT will open a Europe-based global processing centre for payments as part of a response to allay concerns over data privacy raised after the United States asked for data on financial transactions by Europeans following the 9/11 attacks.

Contrasting views on Old Lady's role in crisis

Charles Goodhart and William Buiter, both former monetary policy committee members at the Bank of England and both now professors at the London School of Economics (LSE), had sharply differing opinions on how the Bank should have handled the recent…

We're not out of this yet - Greenspan

Despite a "creep back to normality" in the asset-backed commercial paper and inter-bank markets, Alan Greenspan, the former governor of the Federal Reserve, cautioned that the recent turmoil could have further repercussions.

Why King lacks allies

Just when Mervyn King, the governor of the Bank of England, was hoping for a respite from the battering he has received from the Treasury Select Committee and others over his handling of the Northern Rock debacle, along comes a heavyweight in the shape…

UK business chief singles out King

Richard Lambert, a former member of the monetary policy committee who now heads the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), dismissed Mervyn King's blaming of the Northern Rock crisis on regulatory complexity as unsatisfactory.

Politicians want more power to veto Bank

An enquiry into the crisis at Northern Rock by Treasury ministers is expected to result in calls for their colleague, the chancellor of the exchequer, to be able to overrule the Bank of England and the Financial Services Authority (FSA).

EU re-designs euro coin to exclude Turkey

The new design of the euro coin - set to be introduced next year in Slovenia, Malta and Cyprus - will not feature Turkey despite its inclusion in the original plans.

Mini-crises stretch ahead: UK economist

Instead of a sharp but swift adjustment, the prospect now is for a series of mini-crises stretching for years ahead, says the City economist Stephen Lewis in his commentary on the latest developments in the UK banking crisis.

Fed unveils new $5 bill

The Federal Reserve, the American central bank, today unveiled a new, more secure design for the $5 banknote that will be issued and enter circulation in early 2008. A new $100 bill will follow.

Nyberg on monetary and financial stability

The interaction of monetary and financial stability is one of the most discussed issues in central banks and academia today, and is likely to remain high on the agenda for the foreseeable future, said Lars Nyberg, a deputy governor at Sweden's central…

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