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Articles by Central Banking staff

US still has more influence than trade suggests

Regardless of the emergence of large economic players, like China, United States' influence on other economies remains larger than direct trade ties would suggest, a new paper from the European Central Bank shows.

MPC dove slams policy orthodoxy

David Blanchflower, an external member of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee, has launched a scathing attack on monetary-policy orthodoxy, questioning inflation targeting's intellectual roots and advocating consideration of whether to use…

RBA's Lowe: payments providers must cooperate

There is a strong case to re-examine the balance that has been struck in the Australian payments system between competition and cooperation, said Philip Lowe, an assistant governor of country's central bank.

UK inflation statistic surprises

The British CPI inflation statistic for the year to February, out Tuesday, confounded analysts' expectations of a steep fall, rising by a fifth of a percentage point from the January figure.

China's Zhou wants SDRs as global currency

Zhou Xiaochuan, the governor of the People's Bank of China, has urged countries to adopt special drawing rights (SDR) as an international reserve currency as part of a move towards a more stable global monetary order.

Buba names new communications head

Benedikt Fehr, a journalist for a German daily, is to become the new head of the Bundesbank's communications department after Christian Burckhardt, the former head, died tragically last December.

UK rejigs inflation basket

Rose wine, hot rotisserie chicken and internet-based DVD subscriptions are some of the items that have been added to Britain's new inflation basket.

Malawi's Nkosi encourages rural credit access

Commercial banks should come up with strategies and plans for a greater access to credit by rural communities and other banking services for Malawian entrepreneurs, said Mary Nkosi, the deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of Malawi, has said.

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