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Articles by Central Banking staff

Australia's Ellis: higher wages aided economy

One of the reasons why Australia is coping better amid the turmoil is that real earnings of average Australian workers were growing much faster than in the United States, said Luci Ellis, the head of the financial stability department at the country's…

Spain's governor feels the heat

Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega, deputy head of Spain's Socialist government has criticised the governor of the central bank, Miguel Angel Fernandez Ordonez, for being "alarmist" about the state of financing of the country's pension system.

Portuguese-speaking states team up: Macao's Teng

Closer cooperation between financial regulators can enhance the positive impact of financial industry on the economy of Portuguese-speaking countries, said Anselmo Teng, the chairman of the Monetary Authority of Macao.

British regulator denies whistleblower claims

The Financial Services Authority (FSA), the United Kingdom's financial regulator, has parried allegations made by a former employee that it had allowed building societies to become involved in areas of finance that they knew little about.

Beige Book points to slowing downturn

The Federal Reserve's Beige Book, a survey of economic conditions compiled by the 12 regional Feds, has provided further evidence that the rate at which the United States economy is shrinking is falling.

India wants to attract overseas bankers

Highly-skilled people from abroad are now available at a reasonable cost in view of employment cuts abroad and may propel India towards high-speed growth in all the sectors, said Shyamala Gopinath, the deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India.

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