Ratings agencies
Mistakes made on liquidity - Tumpel-Gugerell
The current crisis shows central bankers and regulators underestimated liquidity risk, admitted the European Central Bank's Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell.
Joint Forum: reduce dependence on external CRs
Investors should never exclusively rely on external ratings when evaluating credit risk transfer instruments, says the Joint Forum, a group of senior financial regulators, in a paper on this sector.
Getting back on track
Jacques de Larosière analyses the problems with the originate-and-distribute model and what regulatory response is required
Trichet blames complexity for ratings reliance
Jean-Claude Trichet, the president of the European Central Bank, said on Friday that the complicated nature of many structured products had led to an over-reliance on credit ratings.
Research finds East Asian ratings discrepancy
A significant discrepancy exists between agency ratings and market-based default risk measures for East Asian banks, according to a paper published by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority on Tuesday.
David Klein's mysterious adventure
ARTICLE - Several weeks ago, the premier international rating agency Standard & Poor downgraded the credit ratings of Bank Hapoalim, Bank Leumi, and Bank Discount. This action was driven by concern over the quality of loans these banks have issued. In…
Leading credit ratings agencies under fire
JAPAN - Japan's Ministry of Finance has taken aim at the world's leading credit ratings agencies - Moody's, Standard & Poor's and Fitch - in a strongly worded letter that accuses them of lacking objectivity and calls into question the reliability of…
Japan's credit rating lowest among G-7 nations
US - Japan's credit ratings were cut to "AA-" by Standard & Poor's, the third reduction in 14 months for the world's second-biggest economy.
Fitch cuts Czech currency rating, crown hit
CZECH REPUBLIC - International rating agency Fitch on Mar 28, 2001 cut the Czech Republic's long-term local currency rating, knocking the crown off recent historic highs, though analysts said the currency's firming trend remains.