Interest rates

Thailand rejects IMF interest rate advice

THAILAND - Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra on 17 August rebuffed an IMF suggestion that Thailand should not rule out cutting interest rates, saying rates were already low enough despite the need to boost the faltering economy.

Bank split over rate cut

UK - The Bank of England's surprise cut in interest rates earlier this month on 2 August was approved by a six-to-three majority, minutes from the rate-setting meeting have revealed.

Beware of Dr. Green and Mr. Span

US - Some pretty smart people are warning about the danger of playing with interest rates, comparing the nation's central bankers to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Call these critics the Alan Greenspan bashers, writes the Economist magazine 5 July.

Interest rate decisions due

EUROPE - The European Central Bank and the Bank of England will both, separately, make their latest interest rate decisions tomorrow, 5 July. Neither is expected to cut rates further.

Interest rate moves around the world

FEATURE - Yesterday, 27 June, the Federal Reserve reduced key US interest rates for the sixth time this year. Here we feature other recent interest rates moves around the world (among the other big central banks the Bank of England has held it's rate…

Brazil Central Bank blames prices for rates hike

BRAZIL - Brazil's Central Bank raised interest rates in May for the third consecutive month to head off inflationary pressures and the potential impact of the country's energy crisis on consumer prices, according to the minutes of the May meeting of the…

Canada lowers key interest rate

CANADA - Canada's central bank trimmed its key overnight interest rate on 29 May by 25 basis points to 4.5 per cent, stating that while US demand for Canadian products had slowed during the first part of the year, the domestic economy continued to show…

Fed sends clear signal of more rate cuts to come

US - Tuesday 15 May's interest rate cut of 0.5% by the Federal Reserve was the fifth consecutive half-point cut in short-term interest rates. Does this represent the end of the Federal Reserve's dramatic and unprecedented efforts to prop up the weakening…

Norges Bank keeps interest rates unchanged

NORWAY - Interest rates were left unchanged at Norges Bank's Executive Board meeting on 16 May. Norges Bank's key rate, the sight deposit rate, remains at 7.00 per cent. The overnight lending rate also remains unchanged.

Klein to hold talks with Israel's prime minister

ISRAEL - David Klein, governor of the Central Bank of Israel is to meet with Ariel Sharon, the prime minister of Israel, in the next few days in an attempt to resolve the dispute which led Mr Klein to shelve a cut in interest rates at the end of April.

India may cut interest rates

INDIA - India's central bank has indicated an intention to cut interest rates to help revive the slowing economy. The governor made his comments at a presentation on monetary policy for this year.

Financial stability, deflation, & monetary policy

CENTRAL BANK RESEARCH - This working paper by Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond economist Marvin Goodfriend explores the relationship between financial stability, deflation, and monetary policy.He says that monetary policy is a fundamental source of…

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