Interview with BoI governor David Klein
With the Middle East teetering on the brink of armed conflict, weinterview the newly appointed governor of the Bank of Israel, DrDavid Klein.
Colombia cenbank sees 2000 inflation 8.5% - 10%
Colombia's central bank said that despite high world oil prices, thecountry is on track to meet the 10% inflation target for this year agreedwith the International Monetary Fund.
Jaime Caruana forecast 2% inflation in 2001
Jaime Caruana, who replaced Luis Angel Rojo as Bank of Spain governor earlier this year, predicted that Spanish inflation would remain nears its 2% limit over the next year.
Latin America: Future inflation convergence
Leonardo Leiderman, head of Latin American Research at Deustche Bank and former head of research at the Bank of Israel, gives a report on the move towards inflation convergence in Latin America.
UK inflation to rise above target, says Bank
In its latest quarterly inflation forecast, the Bank of England forecasts inflation to go above its 2.5% target in two years time. But deputy governor Mervyn King says this does not mean interest rates have to rise.