
BIS research papers

RESEARCH - Research from the BIS 'Comparing monetary policy operating procedures across the United States, Japan and the euro area', Monetary and Economic Department, Bank for International Settlements, December 2001.

Let pounds and euros compete

ARTICLE - For well over a decade there has been a ceaseless political battle over whether Britain ought to join the euro. The introduction of euro notes and coins at the beginning of this year has raised the decibel level of the controversy but has not…

Shoppers and forgers move to euro

EUROPE - Two weeks after the launch of euro notes and coins, more than 90% of transactions in Ireland are being made in the currency, the country's official changeover body said.

Euros become majority currency in Ireland

IRELAND - The amount of euros in circulation has for the first time surpassed the amount of pounds in circulation, according to latest figures from the Central Bank of Ireland. At close of business on Thursday, the Central Bank had issued 148 million…

Ireland's euro transition outpaces EU

IRELAND - Ireland is outpacing other euro-zone countries in the euro changeover with the number of Irish pounds in circulation falling almost twice as fast as other national currencies, reports an Irish newspaper.

China mulls boosting euro reserves

CHINA - Just as the initial euphoria from the introduction of notes and coins wears off, the euro has received a boost from news that China could be buying more euros to reduce its reliance on the dollar.

ECB interest rates unchanged

GERMANY - As widely expected the European Central Bank left interest rates unchanged with officials largely focused this week on the launch of euro notes and coins.

Euro changeover "better than expected"

GERMANY - The European Central Bank reported on Wednesday that the launch of euro cash was progressing smoothly despite exceptionally high demand for the new notes. "The euro cash changeover is going smoothly, even better than we had expected," said ECB…

Fears that euro ATMs will run dry

UK - The stock of euro notes in banks' cash machines is in danger of running out in the first weeks of the new currency's launch on 1 January, bankers have warned.

5m euros are stolen in three months

EUROPE - Armed gangs and other criminals have stolen Euros 5m ( £3.1m) in the three months since minting and printing of euro notes and coins began, and the situation is set to worsen, European police have warned.

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