Booknotes: The Leaderless Economy: Why the World Economic System Fell Apart and How to Fix It
The title of Peter Temin and David Vines’ book, especially its subtitle, promises the reader a lot
Stockton’s Bank of England review offers forecasting lessons for central banks
The Stockton review of the Monetary Policy Committee at the Bank of England offers valuable lessons for central bankers and economists around the world.
Central banks need to be wary of ‘new’ monetary policy trends
Policy-makers are reappraising the role of independent central banks pursuing inflation targets. Bernd Braasch1 encourages them to use sound evidence to inform their judgements
New paper finds Colombia could be in the midst of a housing bubble
'New-fangled method' of detecting bubbles finds Colombian housing could be in a bubble right now, though findings may not be robust
Book notes: First Principles: Five Keys to Restoring America's Prosperity
The author's premise is that the best way to understand the problems confronting the American economy is to go back to the first principles of economic freedom upon which the country was founded