Training central bank communicators
The skills needed for communicating in a social media and artificial intelligence world
Central banks, FMIs and the ‘green’ agenda
Collective efforts are needed to transform the environmental footprint of payment networks, writes Biagio Bossone
Risk Management Benchmarks 2024 – executive summary
Data reveals central banks’ risk governance structures and strategies, as well as the top risks in 2024
Risk Management Benchmarks 2024 report – tech and turbulence
Data reveals central banks’ risk governance structures and strategies, as well as the top risks in 2024
ECB paper examines household inflation differences
French and German consumer data shows heterogeneity is driven by product choice, research finds
CBDC is inevitable
Central bank digital currency should be thought of as a platform rather than a product, writes Dave Birch
ISO 31000 and COSO–ERM remain central banks’ leading standards
Central banks from high income countries less likely to use COSO–ERM
Mean risk management salary greater in high income countries
Salaries average $72,738 in rich countries but $33,464 in upper-middle income nations
Most central banks have difficulty hiring skilled cyber security staff
Respondents highlight pay disparity, skills gap and technological advancements as factors
Exit rate of risk management staff averages over 10%
Workers in middle income institutions tend to leave at a higher rate
Operational and financial risk units have largest staff
Upper-middle income institutions have largest average total number of risk employees
Enterprise-wide risk management widespread among central banks
Few institutions maintain use of department-level and damage limitation approaches
Most central banks lack climate risk units
Just under half of institutions say they have difficulty hiring staff with matching skills
Cash transfers cause persistent jobs boost in Brazil, research finds
San Fran Fed paper argues previous research neglected effects on informal employment
Cyber and fintech risk policies rejigged in a few central banks
Departmental structure varies across jurisdictions
Minority of central banks altered risk functions in past two years
Amendments emanate from factors including technology and climate change
Few central banks lack risk management strategies
Two respondents do not have a risk strategy and slightly more lack a defined risk tolerance
GRC systems remain scarce among central banks
Minority of central banks project adoption this year, others aim to upgrade
Indexation makes inflation more persistent, IMF finds
Economists draw conclusions from IMF survey of 190 countries’ indexation practices
Most heads of risk management units report to governor or board
Risk management committees are more likely to exist in central banks than chief risk officers
Risk management units are most often centralised
Operational risks are the most covered area across participating jurisdictions
The risks facing the Chinese economy
China isn’t at risk of a financial meltdown, but it does face a slow puncture, writes Michael Taylor
Finance ministry rep: a guest, a partner or an intruder?
Many central banks let government officials participate in policy meetings. Is that wise?
Riskiest non-banks shrink for first time since 2009
FSB says narrow measure of riskiest firms fell in 2022 as asset price falls hit investment funds