
Fraga defends more flexible account inviolability

BRAZIL - More flexible rules for breaking bank account inviolability, allied with a solid international cooperation among banks and government financial institutions, is a fundamental weapon to combat money laundering in the world, according to Central…

Banks in fight over card fees

AUSTRALIA - Banks and credit card issuers are in disagreement with the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) over credit card reforms.

RBA is losing minds in credit card battle

FEATURE - The Reserve Bank is digging itself into a hole in its new role as a consumer advocate and risks damaging its relations with the banks over its efforts to "reform" Australia's credit-card system.

Call for contributions from the ECB

PUBLICATION - Call for contributions from interested parties: Joint work of the European System of Central Banks and the Committee of European Securities Regulators in the field of clearing and settlement, 15 March.

No reason to bar Chinese bank offices

TAIWAN - The central bank doesn't have reasons not to allow mainland Chinese banks to set up representative offices in Taiwan, the Commercial Times reports, quoting Central Bank Governor Perng Fai-nan.

Lithuanian c bank lowers reserve requirements

LITHUANIA - Lithuania's central bank said on Thursday it lowered the reserve requirements for banks to six percent from eight percent in a move to bring the country's banking rules closer to European standards.

Why Central Banks Announce their Objectives

RESEARCH - Why Central Banks Announce their Objectives: Monetary Policy with Discretionary Signalling by Stefan Palmqvist of the University of California, Berkeley and Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University.

RBI panel moots pool of bank directors

INDIA - The Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) consultative group of directors of banks and financial institutions has recommended creating a pool of independent directors - approved by the RBI - to join various bank boards.

Auditing guide on banks

IRELAND - Auditors of banks have been issued with guidance notes to help them decide when they should report matters of concern to the Central Bank. Similar practice notes from the Auditing Practices Board will be issued for the auditing of insurers and…

Gold loses its shine as banks sell, costs fall

AUSTRALIA - A third of the gold ever mined, or 30,000 tonnes, is stored in central banks around the world. The banks want to lower their reserves in favour of higher yielding investments such as bonds and currency.

Fed wants banks' help with cash - handling

US - The Federal Reserve says its resources are increasingly taxed by banks' growing habit of placing currency on deposit with the central bank, and it plans to call on bankers to figure out a solution to the problem.

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