
Reserve Bank of Australia - Annual Report 2007

The sound position of local banks was a major source of strength for the Australian financial system during last year, said Glenn Stevens, the governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia, in the foreword the central bank's latest Annual Report.

Banking consolidation continues apace

After months of speculation of its weakest elements, the global banking sector has undergone what many are calling a long overdue consolidation within the space of a few days. Here's a summary of what has happened, its happening - and may happen next.

Triple shock leaves Wall Street in disarray

News of the Lehman Brothers' demise, the sale of Merrill Lynch and major concerns over the health of a range of other financial institutions has put the risk of rapid contagion and a systemic meltdown of the financial sector back at the top of central…

PBoC cuts to restore confidence

The People's Bank of China (PBoC) has cut its base lending rate and lowered the ratio of funds that banks must set aside as reserves in an effort to shore up confidence in the country's stock and real estate markets.

Interdependence requires payment overhaul

Central banks need to adjust their oversight of payment and settlement systems to the new reality of heightened interdependence in financial markets, said Haruyuki Toyama, a deputy director general at the Bank of Japan at SIBOS, an industry forum…

SEC memorandum a short-term fix: Bernanke

The memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the Securities and Exchanges Commission (SEC) and the Federal Reserve, introduced Monday, is only meant to address the short-term issues surrounding the regulation of investment banks, Ben Bernanke, the…

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