NY Fed analyses large-value payments trends
The evolution of central bank policies is one of the main forces behind changes in large-value payment systems, research published by the New York Federal Reserve finds.
Boston Fed's subprime facts
The Boston Federal Reserve's research into subprime mortgages has so far uncovered seven facts relating to the crisis.
Restrict money issuance to foster stability
Pouring central bank money into Latin American financial systems in times of uncertainty fails to promote economic stability, research published by the International Monetary Fund states.
Incentives the root cause of the crunch
Perverse incentives were the major cause of the current turmoil and changing those incentives will be the solution, an article published by the International Monetary Fund notes.
Johnson on oil and food
World oil markets are likely to remain under pressure for some time before high prices have a corrective impact on both supply and demand, says Simon Johnson, the chief economist of the International Monetary Fund.
BoE money-market reforms have worked - paper
This paper by economists from the Bank of England finds that the central banks' introduction of reserves averaging since May 2006 has enhanced banks' ability to manage their daily liquidity requirements, by enabling them to trade in the interbank market…
TAF successful in liquidity provision
The Federal Reserve's Term Auction Facility (TAF) is relieving the liquidity concerns and lowering liquidity premiums in the inter-bank money market, a new paper by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas finds.
IMF paper on the choice of currency anchor
The determination of a country's currency anchor depends mainly on the main trading partners' choice of currency anchor, a new paper by the International Monetary Fund finds.
IMF financing model becoming unsuitable
International Monetary Fund financing is increasingly unlikely to be sufficient to meet the demands of its higher-risk members, research published by the Bank of England finds.
IMF urges central bankers to hike rates
Policymakers would be better off reacting to the recent surge in commodity prices by raising rates, new research published by the International Monetary Fund states.
How globalisation impacts rate-setting in India
Despite a relatively low degree of openness, India's domestic monetary conditions are highly influenced by global factors, research published by the International Monetary Fund finds.
Fund details improvements to technical assistance
The International Monetary Fund has produced a paper outlining reforms to increase the impact of its technical assistance.
Settlement system links present risks
Connections between two of Canada's main settlements systems present a threat to efficiency, research by the country's central bank finds.
Why do growth rates differ?
Differences in growth rates can be largely explained by capital deepening and an ability to produce new technology in the form of patents, research published by the Bank of Finland finds.
Can central banks go broke?
Central banks can go broke and have done so historically, Willem Buiter, a former member of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee now a professor at the London School of Economics, states in a new research paper.
Core inflation no better than other measures
New research published by the Philadelphia Federal Reserve dismisses claims that core inflation is a better predictor of total inflation.
IMF on the progress of financial integration
Financial integration has progressed significantly worldwide, particularly in emerging markets, research published by the International Monetary Fund finds.
Issue of rising food prices needs reflection
The recent surge in food prices requires careful consideration not knee-jerk reactions, Norbert Walter, the chief economist for Deutsche Bank Group, notes.
Bank of Canada Review - spring 2008 edition
The Bank of Canada has published the spring edition of its Economic Review.
Can disclosure damage supervision?
The latest edition of the Richmond Federal Reserve's Economic Quarterly discusses whether supervisors should disclose information about the banks they assess.
Impact of rate setting on banks assessed
A sharp increase in the steepness of the yield curve has the most negative impact on banks' interest income of any rate shock, research published by the Bundesbank finds.
IMF programmes improve governance, says Fund
Successful implementation of International Monetary Fund programmes results in improvements in the quality of economic governance, research published by the Fund states.
Fed has little control over rates
The Fed's ability to control short-term interest rates may be greatly exaggerated, research published by the St Louis Fed suggests.
What the IMF can learn from central banks
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) should follow the example of central banks in reforming its governance framework, research published by the Bank of Canada argues.