
NY Fed analyses large-value payments trends

The evolution of central bank policies is one of the main forces behind changes in large-value payment systems, research published by the New York Federal Reserve finds.

Johnson on oil and food

World oil markets are likely to remain under pressure for some time before high prices have a corrective impact on both supply and demand, says Simon Johnson, the chief economist of the International Monetary Fund.

BoE money-market reforms have worked - paper

This paper by economists from the Bank of England finds that the central banks' introduction of reserves averaging since May 2006 has enhanced banks' ability to manage their daily liquidity requirements, by enabling them to trade in the interbank market…

TAF successful in liquidity provision

The Federal Reserve's Term Auction Facility (TAF) is relieving the liquidity concerns and lowering liquidity premiums in the inter-bank money market, a new paper by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas finds.

IMF financing model becoming unsuitable

International Monetary Fund financing is increasingly unlikely to be sufficient to meet the demands of its higher-risk members, research published by the Bank of England finds.

Why do growth rates differ?

Differences in growth rates can be largely explained by capital deepening and an ability to produce new technology in the form of patents, research published by the Bank of Finland finds.

Can central banks go broke?

Central banks can go broke and have done so historically, Willem Buiter, a former member of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee now a professor at the London School of Economics, states in a new research paper.

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