United States
Greenspan talk lifts markets - John Berry
Financial markets rallied strongly yesterday after Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan acknowledged that US economic growth has slowed "appreciably," convincing many investors that the central bank will begin to cut short-term interest rates if…
Fed's Ferguson says US economy risks balanced
The risks to the US economy are evenly balanced between the dangers of an excessive slowdown and an inflationary overheating, Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Roger Ferguson said on Wednesday.
Fed Parry says economy growing at sustainable pace
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco President Robert Parry said on Tuesday that the US economy had shifted into a more sustainable growth range in recent months and that employment growth had moderated.
Broaddus says US economic outlook extremely cloudy
A Federal Reserve policymaker said Monday the US economic outlook is growing increasingly murky but he said he remains confident the economy will avoid a recession or an inflation outbreak the coming months.
Buba's Stark - US growth slowdown coming true
Bundesbank deputy president Juergen Stark said on Monday he was pleased with the euro's appreciation and said the slowdown in US economic growth appeared to be materialising.
Fed helps Bank with rate study
The Bank of England, the UK central bank, has commissioned an investigation by a senior official of the US Federal Reserve to assess the way it sets interest rates, says an article in today's Financial Times.
US Fed needs to improve communication-Fed's Poole
The Federal Reserve needs to improve its communication skills so that financial markets can better understand what US central bankers are thinking, St Louis Fed President William Poole said on Thursday.
Fed offers rule to find predatory subprime lenders
The US Federal Reserve Board proposed a rule Wednesday that could help the government identify predatory lenders.
Fed's Poole says preemptive Fed action crucial
St. Louis Federal Reserve President William Poole said on Tuesday the US central bank should monitor underlying causes of inflation such as money supply growth to help prevent price pressures from flaring up.
Issing says uncertainty over US economic outlook
European Central Bank member Otmar Issing said investors have become more cautious on the outlook for the dollar and that the U.S. economy is slowing faster than Europe's, an Italian financial paper reported on Saturday.
Bundesbank predicts soft landing for US economy
Signs of a gradual slowdown of the US economy are increasing, the Bundesbank said in its latest monthly report, citing the "sharp" decline in residential investment and government spending as the main contributions to the "tangible" slowdown in third…
US and euro interest rates to rise, says OECD
Interest rates in the world's leading economies look set to rise, the OECD warned in its bi-annual World Economic Outlook and predicted global growth of 4.75% this year.
Term structure evidence on interest rate
A new paper by Glenn Rudebusch, economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, which looks at the term structure evidence on interest rate smoothing and monetary policy inertia.
US bought 1.5 bn euros in Sept. 22 intervention
The US monetary authorities intervened in the foreign exchange markets on one occasion during the third quarter, on 22 September, buying a total of 1.5 bn euros, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York said today in its quarterly report to the US Congress.
Federal Reserve Board - Annual Report 1999
ANNUAL REPORT - The Federal Reserve Board has published its Annual Report for the year ended 1999.
Greenspan on US retail payment system
Speech before the National Automated Clearinghouse Association Annual Meeting.