Hong Kong
Taiwan central bank attacks HSBC over T$ forecast
Taiwan's central bank lashed out at Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corp (HSBC) on Thursday, saying it had consistently undervalued the local currency in its foreign exchange forecasts.
HKMA to provide four-month issuance schedule
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority will provide a quarterly schedule of its issuance plans for Exchange Fund bills and notes, beginning with the December-to-March period, it said Thursday.
HKMA urges Hong Kong banks to go green
Hong Kong's quasi central bank Wednesday called on the city's banks to sign a United Nations environmental awareness statement, and to consider producing their own formal environmental policy statements.
HKMA says maintains open mind on deposit insurance
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) said on Monday it still has an open mind on whether Hong Kong needs a deposit insurance scheme, and will not rule out extending a consultation period on the issue.
HKMA Yam on the future of the financial industry
Joseph Yam, chief executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, has written a number of articles in his regular column the HKMA website on the technological revolution now in full flood. In this week's column, he imagines what life might be like for the…