Eddie George
Speech by Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan
SPEECH - Remarks by Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan at George Washington University, the Robert P. Maxon Lecture, Washington, D.C. 3 December.
George: Cen banks have more ammo to fuel growth
SWITZERLAND - The global economy will take longer to rebound than expected just before the 11 September attacks on the United States, Bank of England Governor Sir Edward George said on Monday.
Soros: Global economic report criticised at launch
REPORT - Billionaire investor George Soros Thursday launched the draft of a "Report on Globalization" that he offered as his blueprint for a fairer and more stable global financial system. He was given a rough ride by some big hitters in the world of…
Soros lashes out at ECB
US - George Soros, the billionaire financial expert, has lashed out at the monetary policy of the European Central Bank (ECB).
B of E's George predicts 3-year downturn
UK - Sir Edward George hinted last night in a speech that he would back further cuts in interest rates and warned the global economic slowdown could last for three more years.
Study of asymmetric markets wins economics award
NOBEL PRIZE - Three American economists have been awarded this year's Nobel prize for their work on the advantages enjoyed by sellers over buyers in markets ranging from jobs to crops to second-hand cars.
G7 respond to Bush's call to freeze accounts
US - Washington's G7 partners have begun to respond to President George Bush's call yesterday to freeze financial accounts of a list of suspected terrorist organisations and individuals linked to them.
Edward George Governor Bank of England
SPEECH - Speech by the Governor of the Bank of England The Rt Hon Sir Edward George at the Centre for Financial Studies Seminar, Frankfurt, 13 September.
Global econ slowdown at or near bottom
SWITZERLAND - While the global economy remains in a slump, conditions at least appear to have stabilized, suggesting that the slowdown is at or near its turning point, Bank of England Governor Eddie George said Monday 10 Sep after a regular meeting of…
Bank of England - Annual Report 2001
UK - The Bank of England's Annual Report for 2000/ 2001 was published on 20 June. The governor, Sir Edward George, believes that the steady progress made during the year can be continued. But acknowledges a downside in the shape of the slowdown in the US…
Speech by Edward George at the Mansion House
SPEECH - The Rt Hon Sir Edward George, Governor of the Bank of England gave a speech at the 2001 Lord Mayor's Dinner for Bankers and Merchants of the City of London, 20 June.
Soros avoids the euro
EUROPE - In an interview with the German Sunday newspaper, Welt Am Sontag, George Soros says that betting on the euro is a mug's game.
Bush wants bank executive on Federal Reserve Board
US - President Bush has decided to nominate Susan Bies, a top official with a Tennessee bank, as a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, a senior White House official said on 8 June.
Speech by Bank of England Governor
SPEECH - The Governor of the Bank of England, Edward George, has spoken at the Oesterreichische Nationalbank Economics Conference in Vienna.
Sir Eddie George at the University of Zurich
SPEECH - The Governor of the Bank of England, Sir Eddie George, gave a speech at the Swiss Institute of International Studies, University of Zurich on May 7.
UK poised for rate reduction
UK - The Bank of England faces pressure to cut interest rates tomorrow, May 9, as it begins its monthly two day meeting.
BoE's George 'Surprised' By Weak 1Q GDP Data
UK - Bank of England Governor Eddie George said Tuesday that he was caught off guard by the weakness of U.K. output during the first quarter of this year.
SNB chief economist George Rich retires Nov 01
SWITZERLAND - Georg Rich, chief economist of the Swiss National Bank, has announced that he will take early retirement as of the end of November 2001.
BoE faces £1bn BCCI lawsuit
Following a ruling on Thursday 22 March, Deloitte and Touche, liquidators of the Bank for Credit and Commerce Interantional, have been given leave to sue the Bank of England for its alleged failures as supervisor of BCCI
Recent US data 'quite encouraging' - BoE George
Central bankers from the Group of l0 industrialized nations believe a pick-up in the U.S. economy during the second half of this year "remains the most likely outcome," Eddie George, current chairman and head of the Bank of England, said on Mar 12, 2001.
The rise and fall of consortium banks-by R Roberts
ARTICLE - Consortium banks, which flourished in the early "unregulated" years of the Euromarkets, have all but disappeared. Richard Roberts explains how concern about their stability prompted the BIS to develop the principle of "parental responsibility"…
Currency boards: More than a quick fix?-journal
In the latest issue of the journal Economic Policy, Atish R. Ghosh and Anne-Marie Gulde from the International Monetary Fund, and Holger C. Wolf of George Washington University and NBER have written a paper "Currency boards: More than a quick fix?" This…
E-banking conference to be held in Philippines
Philippine government officials, bankers, businessmen, academics, and other observers of the Philippine economy will tackle the challenges and opportunities of electronic banking at a conference being held by the Philippines central bank.
UK euro entry debate finely balanced-BoE's George
Britain's central bank governor on Feb 23, 2001 declared himself a euro pragmatist, and said the arguments for and against the country joining the euro zone were finely balanced.